H Reda
H Reda
Dr in mechanical engineering, lebanese university
Email yang diverifikasi di univ-lorraine.fr
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Wave propagation in 3D viscoelastic auxetic and textile materials by homogenized continuum micropolar models
H Reda, Y Rahali, JF Ganghoffer, H Lakiss
Composite Structures 141, 328-345, 2016
Designing two-dimensional metamaterials of controlled static and dynamic properties
N Karathanasopoulos, H Reda, J Ganghoffer
Computational Materials Science 138, 323-332, 2017
A variational approach of homogenization of piezoelectric composites towards piezoelectric and flexoelectric effective media
N Mawassy, H Reda, JF Ganghoffer, VA Eremeyev, H Lakiss
International Journal of Engineering Science 158, 103410, 2021
Computing the effective bulk and normal to shear properties of common two-dimensional architectured materials
N Karathanasopoulos, FD Reis, H Reda, JF Ganghoffer
Computational Materials Science 154 (1), 284-294, 0
A variational approach of homogenization of heterogeneous materials towards second gradient continua
JF Ganghoffer, H Reda
Mechanics of Materials 158, 103743, 2021
Construction of micromorphic continua by homogenization based on variational principles
SE Alavi, JF Ganghoffer, H Reda, M Sadighi
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 153, 104278, 2021
Micropolar dissipative models for the analysis of 2D dispersive waves in periodic lattices
H Reda, JF Ganghoffer, H Lakiss
Journal of Sound and Vibration 392, 325-345, 2017
Analysis of dispersive waves in repetitive lattices based on homogenized second-gradient continuum models
H Reda, Y Rahali, JF Ganghoffer, H Lakiss
Composite Structures 152, 712-728, 2016
Dynamical analysis of homogenized second gradient anisotropic media for textile composite structures and analysis of size effects
H Reda, I Goda, JF Ganghoffer, G L'Hostis, H Lakiss
Composite Structures 161, 540-551, 2017
The role of anisotropy on the static and wave propagation characteristics of two-dimensional architectured materials under finite strains
H Reda, N Karathanasopoulos, K Elnady, JF Ganghoffer, H Lakiss
Materials & Design 147, 134-145, 2018
On the role of second gradient constitutive parameters in the static and dynamic analysis of heterogeneous media with micro-inertia effects
M Ayad, N Karathanasopoulos, H Reda, JF Ganghoffer, H Lakiss
International Journal of Solids and Structures 190, 58-75, 2020
Homogenization towards chiral Cosserat continua and applications to enhanced Timoshenko beam theories
H Reda, SE Alavi, M Nasimsobhan, JF Ganghoffer
Mechanics of Materials 155, 103728, 2021
Finite element modeling of the elastoplastic axial-torsional response of helical constructions to traction loads
N Karathanasopoulos, H Reda, J Ganghoffer
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 133, 368-375, 2017
Wave propagation analysis in 2D nonlinear hexagonal periodic networks based on second order gradient nonlinear constitutive models
H Reda, Y Rahali, JF Ganghoffer, H Lakiss
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 87, 85-96, 2016
The role of non-slender inner structural designs on the linear and non-linear wave propagation attributes of periodic, two-dimensional architectured materials
N Karathanasopoulos, H Reda, JF Ganghoffer
Journal of Sound and Vibration 455, 312-323, 2019
Mechanical properties of glassy polymer nanocomposites via atomistic and continuum models: The role of interphases
H Reda, A Chazirakis, AF Behbahani, N Savva, V Harmandaris
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 395, 114905, 2022
Wave propagation characteristics of periodic structures accounting for the effect of their higher order inner material kinematics
HL Hilal Reda, Nicolas Karathanasopolous, Jean Francois Ganghoffer
Journal of sound and vibration 431, 265-275, 2018
Nonlinear dynamical analysis of 3D textiles based on second order gradient homogenized media
H Reda, Y Rahali, JF Ganghoffer, H Lakiss
Composite structures 154, 538-555, 2016
Evaporation of nanofluid sessile drops: Infrared and acoustic methods to track the dynamic deposition of copper oxide nanoparticles
I Zaaroura, M Toubal, H Reda, J Carlier, S Harmand, R Boukherroub, ...
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 127, 1168-1177, 2018
Influence of first to second gradient coupling energy terms on the wave propagation of three-dimensional non-centrosymmetric architectured materials
HL H. Reda, N. Karathanasopoulos , Y. Rahali, J.F. Ganghoffer
International Journal of Engineering Science 128, 151–164, 2018
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