Benoît Rihoux
Benoît Rihoux
Professeur de science politique / Political science professor, Université catholique de Louvain
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Qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) as an approach
D Berg-Schlosser, G De Meur, C Ragin, B Rihoux
Qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) and related systematic comparative methods: Recent advances and remaining challenges for social science research
B Rihoux
International sociology 21 (5), 679-706, 2006
Crisp-set qualitative comparative analysis (csQCA)
B Rihoux, G De Meur
Configurational comparative methods: Qualitative comparative analysis (QCA …, 2009
The case for qualitative comparative analysis (QCA): Adding leverage for thick cross-case comparison
B Rihoux, B Lobe
The Sage handbook of case-based methods, 222-242, 2009
The origins, development, and application of Qualitative Comparative Analysis: the first 25 years
A Marx, B Rihoux, C Ragin
European Political Science Review 6 (1), 115-142, 2014
Qualitative comparative analysis (QCA): State of the art and prospects
CC Ragin, B Rihoux
Qualitative Methods 2 (2), 3-13, 2004
From niche to mainstream method? A comprehensive mapping of QCA applications in journal articles from 1984 to 2011
B Rihoux, P Álamos-Concha, D Bol, A Marx, I Rezsöhazy
Political research quarterly, 175-184, 2013
Adaptive water management and policy learning in a changing climate: a formal comparative analysis of eight water management regimes in Europe, Africa and Asia
P Huntjens, C Pahl‐Wostl, B Rihoux, M Schlüter, Z Flachner, S Neto, ...
Environmental Policy and Governance 21 (3), 145-163, 2011
Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) in Public Policy Analysis: an Extensive Review.
B Rihoux, I Rezsöhazy, D Bol
German Policy Studies/Politikfeldanalyse 7 (3), 2011
Bridging the gap between the qualitative and quantitative worlds? A retrospective and prospective view on qualitative comparative analysis
B Rihoux
Field methods 15 (4), 351-365, 2003
L'analyse quali-quantitative comparée (AQQC-QCA): approche, techniques et applications en sciences humaines
G De Meur, B Rihoux
L'Harmattan, 2002
Addressing the critiques of QCA
G De Meur, S Yamasaki, B Rihoux
QCA, 25 years after “The comparative method” mapping, challenges, and innovations—Mini-Symposium
B Rihoux, A Marx
Political Research Quarterly 66 (1), 167-235, 2013
Innovative comparative methods for policy analysis: beyond the quantitative-qualitative divide (POD)
B Rihoux, H Grimm
Les partis politiques: organisations en changement. Le test des écologistes.
B Rihoux
A commented review of applications
S Yamasaki, B Rihoux
Pathways to high performance: A qualitative comparative analysis of sport governing bodies
M Winand, B Rihoux, L Robinson, T Zintz
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 42 (4), 739-762, 2013
Análisis cualitativo comparado (QCA)
I Medina, P Álamos-Concha, PJ Castillo Ortiz, B Rihoux
CIS-Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 2017
Chapter 2 crisp-set qualitative comparative analysis in organizational studies
A Marx, B Cambré, B Rihoux
Configurational theory and methods in organizational research, 23-47, 2013
Analyzing Greens in power: Setting the agenda
B Rihoux, W Rüdig
European Journal of Political Research 45, S1-S33, 2006
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