Artikel dengan mandat akses publik - Andras VernesPelajari lebih lanjut
Tidak tersedia di mana pun: 1
Altitude dependence of electrohydrodynamic flow in an electrostatic lifter
PO Bedolla, G Vorlaufer, P Sequard-Base, A Vernes, F Franek
Journal of Electrostatics 87, 32-44, 2017
Mandat: US National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Tersedia di suatu tempat: 15
Meeting the contact-mechanics challenge
MH Müser, WB Dapp, R Bugnicourt, P Sainsot, N Lesaffre, TA Lubrecht, ...
Tribology Letters 65, 1-18, 2017
Mandat: US National Science Foundation, German Research Foundation
Smooth particle hydrodynamics simulation of damage induced by a spherical indenter scratching a viscoplastic material
S Leroch, M Varga, SJ Eder, A Vernes, MR Ripoll, G Ganzenmüller
International Journal of Solids and Structures 81, 188-202, 2016
Mandat: European Commission
Effects of van der Waals Interactions in the Adsorption of Isooctane and Ethanol on Fe (100) Surfaces
PO Bedolla, G Feldbauer, M Wolloch, SJ Eder, N Dörr, P Mohn, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118 (31), 17608-17615, 2014
Mandat: Austrian Science Fund
Applicability of macroscopic wear and friction laws on the atomic length scale
SJ Eder, G Feldbauer, D Bianchi, U Cihak-Bayr, G Betz, A Vernes
Physical review letters 115 (2), 025502, 2015
Mandat: Austrian Science Fund, European Commission
Adhesion and material transfer between contacting Al and TiN surfaces from first principles
G Feldbauer, M Wolloch, PO Bedolla, P Mohn, J Redinger, A Vernes
Physical Review B 91 (16), 165413, 2015
Mandat: Austrian Science Fund, European Commission
Ab initio friction forces on the nanoscale: A density functional theory study of fcc Cu(111)
M Wolloch, G Feldbauer, P Mohn, J Redinger, A Vernes
Physical Review B 90 (19), 195418, 2014
Mandat: Austrian Science Fund, European Commission
Density functional investigation of the adsorption of isooctane, ethanol, and acetic acid on a water-covered Fe (100) surface
PO Bedolla, G Feldbauer, M Wolloch, C Gruber, SJ Eder, N Dörr, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118 (37), 21428-21437, 2014
Mandat: Austrian Science Fund
Ab initio calculation of the real contact area on the atomic scale
M Wolloch, G Feldbauer, P Mohn, J Redinger, A Vernes
Physical Review B 91 (19), 195436, 2015
Mandat: Austrian Science Fund, European Commission
Suppression of material transfer at contacting surfaces: the effect of adsorbates on Al/TiN and Cu/diamond interfaces from first-principles calculations
G Feldbauer, M Wolloch, PO Bedolla, J Redinger, A Vernes, P Mohn
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 30 (10), 105001, 2018
Mandat: Austrian Science Fund, German Research Foundation, European Commission
Ab initio magneto-optical properties of bcc
C Etz, A Vernes, L Szunyogh, P Weinberger
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (6), 064420, 2008
Mandat: Austrian Science Fund
Describing surfaces: Semi-infinite versus thin film approaches
P Weinberger, A Vernes, L Szunyogh, J Zabloudil
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (7), 075430, 2009
Mandat: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Machine learning-driven optimization of gas diffusion layer microstructure for PEM fuel cells
RL Omongos, DE Galvez-Aranda, FM Zanotto, A Vernes, AA Franco
Journal of Power Sources 625, 235583, 2025
Mandat: European Commission, Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Tribological Characterisation Services for Materials–i-TRIBOMAT
F Pirker, I Tóth, U Cihak-Bayr, R Grundtner, A Vernes, J Benedicto, ...
Tribologie und Schmierungstechnik 67 (5+ 6), 35-50, 2020
Mandat: European Commission
Statistics of Sliding on Periodic and Atomically Flat Surfaces
M Srbulovic, K Gkagkas, C Gachot, A Vernes
Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering 7, 742684, 2021
Mandat: European Commission
ROTMOKE: An assessment of macroscopic models for bcc Ni/Ni (100)
C Etz, A Vernes, P Weinberger
Philosophical Magazine 88 (18-20), 2765-2775, 2008
Mandat: Austrian Science Fund
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