Anja Bråthen Kristoffersen
Anja Bråthen Kristoffersen
Norwegian Institute of Public Health
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Efficacy of faecal microbiota transplantation for patients with irritable bowel syndrome in a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study
M El-Salhy, JG Hatlebakk, OH Gilja, AB Kristoffersen, T Hausken
Gut 69 (5), 859-867, 2020
Heart and skeletal muscle inflammation of farmed salmon is associated with infection with a novel reovirus
G Palacios, M Lovoll, T Tengs, M Hornig, S Hutchison, J Hui, RT Kongtorp, ...
PLoS one 5 (7), e11487, 2010
Sea lice as a density-dependent constraint to salmonid farming
PA Jansen, AB Kristoffersen, H Viljugrein, D Jimenez, M Aldrin, A Stien
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279 (1737), 2330-2338, 2012
Multi-source analysis reveals latitudinal and altitudinal shifts in range of Ixodes ricinus at its northern distribution limit
S Jore, H Viljugrein, M Hofshagen, H Brun-Hansen, AB Kristoffersen, ...
Parasites & vectors 4, 1-11, 2011
Influence of agronomic and climatic factors on Fusarium infestation and mycotoxin contamination of cereals in Norway
A Bernhoft, M Torp, PE Clasen, AK Løes, AB Kristoffersen
Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A 29 (7), 1129-1140, 2012
Reduced risk of hospitalisation among reported COVID-19 cases infected with the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA. 1 variant compared with the Delta variant, Norway, December 2021 to …
L Veneti, H Bøås, AB Kristoffersen, J Stålcrantz, K Bragstad, O Hungnes, ...
Eurosurveillance 27 (4), 2200077, 2022
Climate and environmental change drives Ixodes ricinus geographical expansion at the northern range margin
S Jore, SO Vanwambeke, H Viljugrein, K Isaksen, AB Kristoffersen, ...
Parasites & vectors 7, 1-14, 2014
A novel totivirus and piscine reovirus (PRV) in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) with cardiomyopathy syndrome (CMS)
M Løvoll, J Wiik-Nielsen, S Grove, CR Wiik-Nielsen, AB Kristoffersen, ...
Virology journal 7, 1-7, 2010
Less Fusarium infestation and mycotoxin contamination in organic than in conventional cereals
A Bernhoft, PE Clasen, AB Kristoffersen, M Torp
Food Additives and Contaminants 27 (6), 842-852, 2010
Risk factors for pancreas disease (PD) outbreaks in farmed Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout in Norway during 2003–2007
AB Kristoffersen, H Viljugrein, RT Kongtorp, E Brun, PA Jansen
Preventive veterinary medicine 90 (1-2), 127-136, 2009
Quantitative risk assessment of salmon louse-induced mortality of seaward-migrating post-smolt Atlantic salmon
AB Kristoffersen, L Qviller, KO Helgesen, KW Vollset, H Viljugrein, ...
Epidemics 23, 19-33, 2018
Quantification of piscine reovirus (PRV) at different stages of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar production
M Løvoll, M Alarcón, BB Jensen, T Taksdal, AB Kristoffersen, T Tengs
Diseases of aquatic organisms 99 (1), 7-12, 2012
Large scale modelling of salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) infection pressure based on lice monitoring data from Norwegian salmonid farms
AB Kristoffersen, D Jimenez, H Viljugrein, R Grøntvedt, A Stien, ...
Epidemics 9, 31-39, 2014
Understanding sources of sea lice for salmon farms in Chile
AB Kristoffersen, EE Rees, H Stryhn, R Ibarra, JL Campisto, CW Revie, ...
Preventive veterinary medicine 111 (1-2), 165-175, 2013
Space-time modelling of the spread of salmon lice between and within Norwegian marine salmon farms
M Aldrin, B Storvik, AB Kristoffersen, PA Jansen
PLoS One 8 (5), e64039, 2013
Cohort study of effect of vaccination on pancreas disease in Norwegian salmon aquaculture
BB Jensen, AB Kristoffersen, C Myr, E Brun
Diseases of aquatic organisms 102 (1), 23-31, 2012
vapA (A‐layer) typing differentiates Aeromonas salmonicida subspecies and identifies a number of previously undescribed subtypes
S Gulla, V Lund, AB Kristoffersen, H Sørum, DJ Colquhoun
Journal of fish diseases 39 (3), 329-342, 2016
Modelling the spread of infectious salmon anaemia among salmon farms based on seaway distances between farms and genetic relationships between infectious salmon anaemia virus …
M Aldrin, TM Lyngstad, AB Kristoffersen, B Storvik, Ø Borgan, PA Jansen
Journal of The Royal Society Interface 8 (62), 1346-1356, 2011
Risk factors for occurrence of cephalosporin-resistant Escherichia coli in Norwegian broiler flocks
SS Mo, AB Kristoffersen, M Sunde, A Nødtvedt, M Norström
Preventive veterinary medicine 130, 112-118, 2016
A mobile genetic element with unknown function found in distantly related viruses
T Tengs, AB Kristoffersen, TR Bachvaroff, CM Jonassen
Virology journal 10, 1-9, 2013
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