Pekka Kess
Pekka Kess
Academic freelancer
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Partnering motives and partner selection: case studies of Finnish distributor relationships in China
L Wang, P Kess
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 36 (6 …, 2006
Business collaboration concepts and implications for companies
J Majava, V Isoherranen, P Kess
International Journal of Synergy and Research 2 (1-2), 2013
Knowledge creation through a project review process in software production
P Kess, H Haapasalo
International Journal of Production Economics 80 (1), 49-55, 2002
Business growth models: review of past 60 years
M Muhos, P Kess, K Phusavat, S Sanpanich
International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development 8 (3), 296-315, 2010
Team roles in business process re-engineering
M Launonen, P Kess
International Journal of Production Economics 77 (3), 205-218, 2002
Critical factors for an effective business value chain
P Kess, KMY Law, R Kanchana, K Phusavat
Industrial Management & Data Systems 110 (1), 63-77, 2010
Spatial health and life sciences business ecosystem: a case study of San Diego
J Majava, P Leviäkangas, T Kinnunen, P Kess, D Foit
European Journal of Innovation Management 19 (1), 26-46, 2016
Sustaining organisational innovation and learning through external knowledge
P Anussornnitisarn, S Sanpanich, K Phusavat, P Kess, M Muhos
International Journal of Innovation and Learning 7 (1), 85-99, 2010
Integrating Design Thinking into peer-learning community: Impacts on professional development and learning
K Phusavat, AN Hidayanto, P Kess, J Kantola
Journal of Workplace Learning 31 (1), 59-74, 2019
Manufacturing process capability and specification limits
M Möttönen, P Belt, J Härkönen, H Haapasalo, P Kess
Bentham Science, 2008
In search of organisational creativity: The role of knowledge management
H Haapasalo, P Kess
Creativity and innovation management 10 (2), 110-118, 2001
The electric vehicles ecosystem model: construct, analysis and identification of key challenges
P Leviäkangas, T Kinnunen, P Kess
Managing Global Transitions 12 (3), 253, 2014
Managing external knowledge: framework for organisational life cycles
P Kess, K Phusavat, J Takala
International Journal of Innovation and Learning 5 (3), 255-265, 2008
The literature review of supply chain performance measurement in the manufacturing industry
I Sillanpää, P Kess
Management and Production Engineering Review 3, 79-88, 2012
Improving the efficiency of verification and validation
P Belt, J Harkonen, M Mottonen, P Kess, H Haapasalo
International Journal of Services and Standards 4 (2), 150-166, 2008
Analysis of strategy focus vs. market share in the mobile phone case business
V Isoherranen, P Kess
Technology and Investment 2 (2), 134-141, 2011
Analysis of strategy by strategy typology and orientation framework
V Isoherranen, P Kess
Modern Economy 2 (4), 575-583, 2011
Lessons learned from applying safety culture maturity model in Thailand
B Vongvitayapirom, P Sachakamol, H Kropsu-Vehkapera, P Kess
International Journal of Synergy and Research 2 (1-2), 2013
An intermediary as a trust enabler in a spatial business ecosystem
J Majava, T Kinnunen, D Foit, P Kess
International Journal of Innovation and Learning 20 (2), 199-213, 2016
Operational excellence driven by process maturity reviews: a case study of the ABB corporation
V Isoherranen, MK Karkkainen, P Kess
2015 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering …, 2015
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