Dmitry G. Eskin
Dmitry G. Eskin
Email yang diverifikasi di brunel.ac.uk
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Ultrasonic Treatment of Light Alloy Melts
GI Eskin, DG Eskin
CRC Press, 2015
Mechanical properties in the semi-solid state and hot tearing of aluminium alloys
DG Eskin, Suyitno, L Katgerman
Progress in Materials Science 49 (5), 629-711, 2004
Multicomponent phase diagrams: applications for commercial aluminum alloys
NA Belov, DG Eskin, AA Aksenov
Elsevier, 2005
Advanced Aluminum Alloys Containing Scandium: Structure and Properties
LS Toropova, DG Eskin, ML Kharakterova, TV Dobatkina
Gordon and Breach, 1998
Iron in Aluminium Alloys: Impurity and Alloying Element
NA Belov, AA Aksenov, DG Eskin
CRC Press, 2002
Macrosegregation in direct-chill casting of aluminium alloys
R Nadella, DG Eskin, Q Du, L Katgerman
Progress in Materials Science 53 (3), 421-480, 2008
Physical Metallurgy of Direct Chill Casting of Aluminum Alloys
DG Eskin
CRC press, 2008
A quest for a new hot tearing criterion
DG Eskin, L Katgerman
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 38, 1511-1519, 2007
In situ observations of dendritic fragmentation due to local solute-enrichment during directional solidification of an aluminum alloy
D Ruvalcaba, RH Mathiesen, DG Eskin, L Arnberg, L Katgerman
Acta Materialia 55 (13), 4287-4292, 2007
Constituent phase diagrams of the Al–Cu–Fe–Mg–Ni–Si system and their application to the analysis of aluminium piston alloys
NA Belov, DG Eskin, NN Avxentieva
Acta materialia 53 (17), 4709-4722, 2005
Criteria of grain refinement induced by ultrasonic melt treatment of aluminum alloys containing Zr and Ti
TV Atamanenko, DG Eskin, L Zhang, L Katgerman
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 41, 2056-2066, 2010
Production of natural and synthesized aluminum-based composite materials with the aid of ultrasonic (cavitation) treatment of the melt
GI Eskin, DG Eskin
Ultrasonics sonochemistry 10 (4-5), 297-301, 2003
Characterizing the cavitation development and acoustic spectrum in various liquids
I Tzanakis, GSB Lebon, DG Eskin, KA Pericleous
Ultrasonics sonochemistry 34, 651-662, 2017
Fundamental studies of ultrasonic melt processing
DG Eskin, I Tzanakis, F Wang, GSB Lebon, T Subroto, K Pericleous, J Mi
Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 52, 455-467, 2019
Optimization of hardening of Al–Zr–Sc cast alloys
NA Belov, AN Alabin, DG Eskin, VV Istomin-Kastrovskii
Journal of Materials Science 41 (18), 5890-5899, 2006
Experimental study of structure formation in binary Al–Cu alloys at different cooling rates
D Eskin, Q Du, D Ruvalcaba, L Katgerman
Materials Science and Engineering: A 405 (1-2), 1-10, 2005
A synchrotron X-radiography study of the fragmentation and refinement of primary intermetallic particles in an Al-35 Cu alloy induced by ultrasonic melt processing
F Wang, D Eskin, J Mi, C Wang, B Koe, A King, C Reinhard, T Connolley
Acta Materialia 141, 142-153, 2017
Incubation pit analysis and calculation of the hydrodynamic impact pressure from the implosion of an acoustic cavitation bubble
I Tzanakis, DG Eskin, A Georgoulas, DK Fytanidis
Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 21 (2), 866-878, 2014
Direct-chill Casting of Light Alloys: Science and Technology
JF Grandfield, DG Eskin, IF Bainbridge
John Wiley & Sons, 2013
Decomposition of supersaturated solid solutions in Al–Cu–Mg–Si alloys
DG Eskin
Journal of Materials Science 38 (2), 279-290, 2003
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