Artikel dengan mandat akses publik - Irene LichtscheidlPelajari lebih lanjut
Tidak tersedia di mana pun: 3
Preparation and characterization of immobilized [A336][MTBA] in PVA–alginate gel beads as novel solid-phase extractants for an efficient recovery of Hg (II) from aqueous solutions
Y Zhang, D Kogelnig, C Morgenbesser, A Stojanovic, F Jirsa, ...
Journal of Hazardous Materials 196, 201-209, 2011
Mandat: Austrian Science Fund
The response of the accumulator plants Noccaea caerulescens, Noccaea goesingense and Plantago major towards the uranium
A Burger, M Weidinger, N Baumann, A Vesely, I Lichtscheidl
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 229, 106544, 2021
Mandat: European Commission
Regulation of root hair tip growth: can mitogen-activated protein kinases be taken into account?
M OveČka, IK Lichtscheidl, FŠ BaluŠka, J Šamaj, D Volkmann, H Hirt
The plant cytoskeleton: a key tool for agro-biotechnology, 91-128, 2008
Mandat: German Research Foundation
Tersedia di suatu tempat: 10
NanoSIMS combined with fluorescence microscopy as a tool for subcellular imaging of isotopically labeled platinum-based anticancer drugs
AA Legin, A Schintlmeister, MA Jakupec, MS Galanski, I Lichtscheidl, ...
Chemical Science 5 (8), 3135-3143, 2014
Mandat: Austrian Science Fund, European Commission
Structural Sterols Are Involved in Both the Initiation and Tip Growth of Root Hairs in Arabidopsis thaliana
M Ovečka, T Berson, M Beck, J Derksen, J Šamaj, F Baluška, ...
The Plant Cell 22 (9), 2999-3019, 2010
Mandat: Austrian Science Fund
An acoustically-driven biochip–impact of flow on the cell-association of targeted drug carriers
C Fillafer, G Ratzinger, J Neumann, Z Guttenberg, S Dissauer, ...
Lab on a Chip 9 (19), 2782-2788, 2009
Mandat: German Research Foundation
Salt-induced subcellular kinase relocation and seedling susceptibility caused by overexpression of Medicago SIMKK in Arabidopsis
M Ovečka, T Takáč, G Komis, P Vadovič, S Bekešová, A Doskočilová, ...
Journal of Experimental Botany 65 (9), 2335-2350, 2014
Mandat: Austrian Science Fund
Silicon Uptake and Localisation in Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera) – A Unique Association With Sclerenchyma
B Bokor, M Soukup, M Vaculík, P Vd’ačný, M Weidinger, I Lichtscheidl, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 10, 988, 2019
Mandat: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Fonds de …
Behavior of platinum(iv) complexes in models of tumor hypoxia: cytotoxicity, compound distribution and accumulation
E Schreiber-Brynzak, V Pichler, P Heffeter, B Hanson, S Theiner, ...
Metallomics 8 (4), 422-433, 2016
Mandat: Austrian Science Fund, European Commission, Vienna Science and Technology …
Metalloid contaminated microhabitats and their biodiversity at a former antimony mining site in Schlaining, Austria
G Steinhauser, W Adlassnig, T Lendl, M Peroutka, M Weidinger, ...
Open Environ Sci 3, 26-41, 2009
Mandat: Austrian Science Fund
Plant growth promotion by inoculation with selected bacterial strains versus mineral soil supplements
S Wernitznig, W Adlassnig, AR Sprocati, K Turnau, A Neagoe, C Alisi, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 21, 6877-6887, 2014
Mandat: European Commission
MAPK signaling
M Ovečka, IK Lichtscheidl
Signaling in Plants, 51-69, 2009
Mandat: Austrian Science Fund
Root anatomical responses of two Salix caprea isolates growing in different environmental conditions
M Vaculík, A Lux, M Puschenreiter, I Langer, C Windhager, W Adlassnig, ...
Himmelbauer M, Loiskandl W, RootRAP 7th International Symposium Root …, 2009
Mandat: Austrian Science Fund
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