Employee motivation as a tool to achieve sustainability of business processes S Lorincová, P Štarchoň, D Weberová, M Hitka, M Lipoldová Sustainability 11 (13), 3509, 2019 | 140 | 2019 |
Generational differences in the perception of corporate culture in European transport enterprises R Kampf, S Lorincová, M Hitka, O Stopka Sustainability 9 (9), 1561, 2017 | 89 | 2017 |
Strategic management of business performance based on innovations and information support in specific conditions of Slovakia R Rajnoha, S Lorincová Journal of Competitiveness, 2015 | 88 | 2015 |
Corporate sustainability in the process of employee recruitment through social networks in conditions of Slovak small and medium enterprises M Vetráková, M Hitka, M Potkány, S Lorincová, L Smerek Sustainability 10 (5), 1670, 2018 | 83 | 2018 |
Strategic instrument for sustainability of human resource management in small and medium-sized enterprises using management data S Lorincová, M Hitka, P Štarchoň, K Stachová Sustainability 10 (10), 3687, 2018 | 82 | 2018 |
Application of cluster analysis in marketing communications in small and medium-sized enterprises: An empirical study in the Slovak Republic L Ližbetinová, P Štarchoň, S Lorincová, D Weberová, P Průša Sustainability 11 (8), 2302, 2019 | 80 | 2019 |
The application of the organizational culture assessment instrument (OCAI) to logistics enterprises L Ližbetinová, S Lorincová, Z Caha NAŠE MORE: znanstveni časopis za more i pomorstvo 63 (3 Special Issue), 170-176, 2016 | 74 | 2016 |
The global health pandemic and its impact on the motivation of employees in micro and small enterprises: a case study in the Slovak Republic M Hitka, P Štarchoň, Z Caha, S Lorincová, M Sedliačiková Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja 35 (1), 458-479, 2022 | 73 | 2022 |
Cluster analysis used as the strategic advantage of human resource management in small and medium-sized enterprises in the wood-processing industry M Hitka, S Lorincová, L Ližbetinová, GP Bartáková, M Merková BioResources 12 (4), 7884-7897, 2017 | 71 | 2017 |
The application of ABC analysis to inventories in the automatic industry utilizing the cost saving effect R Kampf, S Lorincová, M Hitka, Z Caha NAŠE MORE: znanstveni časopis za more i pomorstvo 63 (3 Special Issue), 120-125, 2016 | 64 | 2016 |
Strategic tool of human resource management for operation of SMEs in the wood-processing industry M Hitka, S Lorincová, GP Bartáková, L Lizbetinova, P Starchon, C Li, ... BioResources 13 (2), 2759-2774, 2018 | 63 | 2018 |
Investing in Human Capital as a Key Factor for the J Drábek, S Lorincová, J Javorčíková Issues of Human Resource Management, 113, 2017 | 57 | 2017 |
Sustainability of human resource management processes through employee motivation and job satisfaction M Hitka, J Schmidtová, S Lorincová, P Štarchoň, D Weberová, R Kampf Acta Polytechnica Hungarica 18 (2), 7-26, 2021 | 55 | 2021 |
Differentiated approach to employee motivation in terms of finance M Hitka, S Lorincová, M Potkány, Ž Balážová, Z Caha Journal of business economics and management 22 (1), 118-134, 2021 | 50 | 2021 |
Motivational factors influencing senior managers in the forestry and wood-processing sector in Slovakia S Lorincová, M Hitka, M Čambál, P Szabó, J Javorčíková BioResources 11 (4), 10339-10348, 2016 | 45 | 2016 |
The Improvement of the effectiveness in the recruitment process in the Slovak public administration S Lorincová Procedia Economics and Finance 34, 382-389, 2015 | 42 | 2015 |
Education as a key in career building M Hitka, P Štarchoň, S Lorincová, Z Caha Journal of Business Economics and Management 22 (4), 1065-1083, 2021 | 39 | 2021 |
The role of corporate culture in economic development of small and medium-sized enterprises S Lorincová, A Miklošík, M Hitka Technological and Economic Development of Economy 28 (1), 220–238-220–238, 2022 | 38 | 2022 |
The proposal of innovation support in small and medium-sized enterprises S Lorincová, M Potkány Production Management and Engineering Sciences–Scientific Publication of the …, 2015 | 38 | 2015 |
Employee Job Satisfaction in Furniture Manufacturing Companies in the Slovak Republic S Lorincová, J Schmidtová, J Javorčíková Drvna industrija 67 (4), 351-362, 2016 | 34 | 2016 |