Francesco Chianese
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Italian Americans on Screen: Challenging the Past, Re-Theorizing the Future
MAMD Carolan, JJ Cavallero, F Chianese, PS Moore, CM Ryan, ...
Rowman & Littlefield, 2021
Pasolini tra URSS e USA: L’intellettuale italiano negli anni della Guerra Fredda
F Chianese
Between 5 (10), 2015
Italian items in domestic spaces: Representing Italianness through objects in the fiction of Helen Barolini and Chiara Barzini
F Chianese
Translation and Interpreting Studies 17 (1), 134-153, 2022
Teorizzare un umorismo ipermoderno: il caso Walter Siti
F Chianese
Between 6 (12), 2016
Transmediality as a transcultural dialogue: Pasolini between the Other and the Self
F Chianese
Diactritica 44 (1), 69-92, 2022
" Una tragedia di linguaggio non corrisposto": language between Family Crisis and Transnationalism in Viola di Grado's Settanta acrilico trenta lana
F Chianese
Women language literature in Italy: Donne lingua letteratura in Italia: 4 …, 2022
Is Multiculturalism Who America Is? Investigating the United States’‘Patchwork Heritage’
F Chianese, C Di Maio
JAM IT! 4, 5-15, 2021
The Ambivalence of Julian: The Paradox of Fatherhood in Pier Paolo Pasolini’s Porcile
F Chianese
Italian Studies 73 (1), 66-80, 2018
Elisabetta Bartoli, Carla Francellini, Roberto Ludovico (a cura di)“Dossier I pianeti della fortuna: Renato Poggioli intellettuale, critico e traduttore”(Semicerchio: Rivista …
F Chianese
Between 14 (28), 519-525, 2024
Portraying the Nomadic spirit of a transnational coming of age
O Campofreda, F Chianese
Italian Studies 79 (1), 1-5, 2024
Angelenos? What’s That? Young Italians in Los Angeles in the Fiction of John Fante, Andrea De Carlo, and Chiara Barzini
F Chianese
Italian Studies 79 (1), 6-20, 2024
Recognizing Oneself in a Distorted Mirror: The Irresolvable Transnational Distance and Proximity Between Pavese and Pasolini1
F Chianese
Cesare Pavese Mythographer, Translator, Modernist: A Collection of Studies …, 2023
Recognizing oneself in a distorted mirror: the irresolvable distance and proximity between Pavese and Pasolini
F Chianese
Vernon Press, 2023
Translating Myself and Others by Jhumpa Lahiri
F Chianese
Canadian Review of Comparative Literature/Revue Canadienne de Littérature …, 2022
Theodora D. Patrona, Return Narratives. Ethnic Space in Late-Twentieth-Century Greek American and Italian American Literature| Michela Baldo, Italian-Canadian Narratives of …
F Chianese
Altreitalie. Rivista Internazionale di Studi sulle Migrazioni Italiane nel …, 2021
Tony Soprano Meets Furio Giunta
F Chianese
Italian Americans on Screen: Challenging the Past, Re-Theorizing the Future, 141, 2021
The Autobiography of a Language. Emanuel Carnevali’s Italian-American Writing
F Chianese
Annali d'Italianistica 39, 578-580, 2021
L’anti-italianismo negli Stati Uniti. Evoluzione di un pregiudizio. A cura di William J. Connell e Fred Gardaphé
F Chianese
Iperstoria, 2020
L’incontro con l’altro come trauma creativo
F Chianese
Ticontre. Teoria Testo Traduzione, 2020
Un’etnicità complessa. Negoziazioni identitarie nelle opere di John Fante. Elisa Bordin
F Chianese
Iperstoria, 2020
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