Danielle Warren
Danielle Warren
Full Professor at Rutgers
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Constructive and destructive deviance tn organizations
DE Warren
Academy of management Review 28 (4), 622-632, 2003
Is guanxi ethical? A normative analysis of doing business in China
TW Dunfee, DE Warren
Journal of business ethics 32, 191-204, 2001
Social exchange in China: The double-edged sword of guanxi
DE Warren, TW Dunfee, N Li
Journal of Business Ethics 55, 353-370, 2004
Is formal ethics training merely cosmetic? A study of ethics training and ethical organizational culture
DE Warren, JP Gaspar, WS Laufer
Business Ethics Quarterly 24 (1), 85-117, 2014
The meaning and meaningfulness of corporate social initiatives
D Hess, DE Warren
Business and Society Review 113 (2), 163-197, 2008
Deciding what's right: The role of external sanctions and embarrassment in shaping moral judgments in the workplace
DE Warren, K Smith-Crowe
Research in organizational behavior 28, 81-105, 2008
The normative foundations of unethical supervision in organizations
AF Ünal, DE Warren, CC Chen
Journal of Business Ethics 107, 5-19, 2012
The emotion-evoked collective corruption model: The role of emotion in the spread of corruption within organizations
K Smith-Crowe, DE Warren
Organization Science 25 (4), 1154-1171, 2014
Ensuring independent auditors: Increasing the saliency of the professional identity
DE Warren, M Alzola
Group decision and negotiation 18, 41-56, 2009
Are corruption indices a self-fulfilling prophecy? A social labeling perspective of corruption
DE Warren, WS Laufer
Journal of business ethics 88, 841-849, 2009
“Woke” corporations and the stigmatization of corporate social initiatives
DE Warren
Business Ethics Quarterly 32 (1), 169-198, 2022
Corporate scandals and spoiled identities: How organizations shift stigma to employees
DE Warren
Business Ethics Quarterly 17 (3), 477-496, 2007
When Lying Does Not Pay: How Experts Detect Insurance Fraud
D Warren, M Schweitzer
Journal of Business Ethics, https://rdcu.be/21va, 2018
When Ethical Tones at the Top Conflict: Adapting Priority Rules to Reconcile Conflicting Tones
D Warren, M Peytcheva, J Gaspar
Business Ethics Quarterly 25 (4), 559-582, 2015
Collective strategies in fighting corruption: Some intuitions and counter intuitions
D Petkoski, DE Warren, WS Laufer
Journal of Business Ethics 88, 815-822, 2009
Does CSR make better citizens? The influence of employee CSR programs on employee societal citizenship behavior outside of work
LD Lewin, DE Warren, M AlSuwaidi
Business and Society Review 125 (3), 271-288, 2020
When weak sanctioning systems work: Evidence from auto insurance industry fraud investigations
DE Warren, ME Schweitzer
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 166, 68-83, 2021
The persistence of organizational deviance: When informal sanctioning systems undermine formal sanctioning systems
DE Warren
Business ethics quarterly 29 (1), 55-84, 2019
Authority, heuristics, and the structure of excuses
A Strudler, DE Warren
The Next Phase of Business Ethics: Integrating Psychology and Ethics, 355-375, 2001
Managing noncompliance in the workplace
DE Warren
Managing organizational deviance, 131-156, 2005
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