Rinovia Simanjuntak
Rinovia Simanjuntak
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Distance magic labelings of graphs
M Miller, C Rodger, R Simanjuntak
Australasian journal of combinatorics 28, 305-315, 2003
Two new (a, d)-antimagic graph labelings
R Simanjuntak, F Bertault, M Miller
Proc. of Eleventh Australasian Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms 11, 179-189, 2000
New constructions of magic and antimagic graph labelings
M Baca, YQ Lin, M Miller, R Simanjuntak
Utilitas Mathematica 60, 229-239, 2001
On (a, d)-H-antimagic coverings of graphs
N Inayah, ANM Salman, R Simanjuntak
Journal of combinatorial mathematics and combinatorial computing 71 (273 …, 2009
Vertex-antimagic total labelings of graphs
M Bača, J MacDougall, F Bertault, M Miller, R Simanjuntak, --- Slamin
Discussiones mathematicae graph theory 23 (1), 67-83, 2003
Super (a, d)-H-antimagic total labelings for shackles of a connected graph H.
N Inayah, R Simanjuntak, ANM Salman, KIA Syuhada
Australas. J Comb. 57, 127-138, 2013
The metric dimension of the lexicographic product of graphs
SW Saputro, R Simanjuntak, S Uttunggadewa, H Assiyatun, ET Baskoro, ...
Discrete mathematics 313 (9), 1045-1051, 2013
Edge-magic total labelings of wheels, fans and friendship graphs
Y Lin, M Miller, R Simanjuntak
Bulletin of the ICA 35, 89-98, 2002
On the metric dimension of corona product of graphs
H Iswadi, ET Baskoro, R Simanjuntak
Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences (FJMS) 52 (2), 155-170, 2011
The locating-chromatic number of firecracker graphs
A Asmiati, ET Baskoro, H Assiyatun, D Suprijanto, R Simanjuntak, ...
Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences 63 (1), 2012
The locating-chromatic number of disconnected graphs
D Welyyanti, ET Baskoro, R Simanjuntak, S Uttunggadewa
Far East Journal of Mathematical Science 94 (2), 169-182, 2014
The metric dimension of amalgamation of cycles
H Iswadi, ET Baskoro, ANM Salman, R Simanjuntak
Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences (FJMS) 41 (1), 19-31, 2010
The metric dimension of graph with pendant edges
H Iswadi, ET Baskoro, R Simanjuntak, ANM Salman
The Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing 65, 139-145, 2008
On super edge-magic strength and deficiency of graphs
AAG Ngurah, ET Baskoro, R Simanjuntak, S Uttunggadewa
Kyoto International Conference on Computational Geometry and Graph Theory …, 2007
On locating-chromatic number of complete n-ary tree
D Welyyanti, ET Baskoro, R Simanjuntak, S Uttunggadewa
AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics 10 (3), 309-315, 2013
The resolving graph of amalgamation of cycles
H Iswadi, ET Baskoro, ANM Salman, R Simanjuntak
Utilitas Mathematica 83, 121-132, 2010
On (super) edge-magic total labeling of subdivision of K1, 3
AAG Ngurah, R Simanjuntak, ET Baskoro
SUT Journal of Mathematics 43 (2), 127-136, 2007
The multiset dimension of graphs
R Simanjuntak, P Siagian, T Vetrik
arXiv preprint arXiv:1711.00225, 2017
On locating-chromatic number for graphs with dominant vertices
D Welyyanti, ET Baskoro, R Simanjuntak, S Uttunggadewa
Procedia Computer Science 74, 89-92, 2015
Super edge-antimagic labelings of the generalized Petersen graph P (n,(n-1)/2)
M Bača, ET Baskoro, R Simanjuntak, K Ariyanti
Utilitas Mathematica 70, 119-127, 2006
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