Aldo Musacchio
Aldo Musacchio
Professor, International Business School, Brandeis University
Email yang diverifikasi di brandeis.edu - Beranda
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Reinventing state capitalism: Leviathan in business, Brazil and beyond
A Musacchio, SG Lazzarini
Harvard University Press, 2014
Governments as owners: State-owned multinational companies
A Cuervo-Cazurra, A Inkpen, A Musacchio, K Ramaswamy
Journal of international business studies 45, 919-942, 2014
New varieties of state capitalism: Strategic and governance implications
A Musacchio, SG Lazzarini, RV Aguilera
Academy of management perspectives 29 (1), 115-131, 2015
What do state-owned development banks do? Evidence from BNDES, 2002–09
SG Lazzarini, A Musacchio, R Bandeira-de-Mello, R Marcon
World Development 66, 237-253, 2015
Leviathan as a minority shareholder: Firm-level implications of state equity purchases
CFKV Inoue, SG Lazzarini, A Musacchio
Academy of Management journal 56 (6), 1775-1801, 2013
State ownership reinvented? Explaining performance differences between state‐owned and private firms
SG Lazzarini, A Musacchio
Corporate Governance: An International Review 26 (4), 255-272, 2018
Can civil law countries get good institutions? Lessons from the history of creditor rights and bond markets in Brazil
A Musacchio
The Journal of Economic History 68 (1), 80-108, 2008
Foreign Entry and the Mexican Banking System, 1997-2007 [with Comments]
S Haber, A Musacchio, L Rojas-Suarez
Economía 13 (1), 13-37, 2012
State capitalism in international context: Varieties and variations
M Wright, G Wood, A Musacchio, I Okhmatovskiy, A Grosman, JP Doh
Journal of World Business 56 (2), 101160, 2021
Colonial institutions, trade shocks, and the diffusion of elementary education in Brazil, 1889–1930
A Musacchio, AM Fritscher, M Viarengo
The Journal of Economic History 74 (3), 730-766, 2014
Experiments in financial democracy: corporate governance and financial development in Brazil, 1882-1950
A Musacchio
Cambridge University Press, 2009
Bankers, industrialists, and their cliques: Elite networks in Mexico and Brazil during early industrialization
A Musacchio, I Read
Enterprise & Society 8 (4), 842-880, 2007
Big BRICs, weak foundations: The beginning of public elementary education in Brazil, Russia, India, and China
L Chaudhary, A Musacchio, S Nafziger, S Yan
Explorations in Economic History 49 (2), 221-240, 2012
The return of state-owned enterprises: Should we be afraid
A Musacchio, F Flores-Macias
Harvard International Review 4, 2009
In strange company: The puzzle of private investment in state-controlled firms
M Pargendler, A Musacchio, SG Lazzarini
Cornell Int'l LJ 46, 569, 2013
Mexico's financial crisis of 1994-1995
A Musacchio
Leviathan as an inventor: An extended agency model of state-owned versus private firm invention in emerging and developed economies
SG Lazzarini, LF Mesquita, F Monteiro, A Musacchio
Journal of International Business Studies 52 (4), 560-594, 2021
State-owned development banks
A Musacchio, SG Lazzarini, P Makhoul, E Simmons
Does the law and finance hypothesis pass the test of history?
A Musacchio, JD Turner
Business History 55 (4), 524-542, 2013
Short‐and medium‐run health and literacy impacts of the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic in Brazil
A Guimbeau, N Menon, A Musacchio
The Economic History Review 75 (4), 997-1025, 2022
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