Winning at new products RG Cooper Addison-Wesley, 1986 | 5794 | 1986 |
Stage-gate systems: a new tool for managing new products RG Cooper Business horizons 33 (3), 44-54, 1990 | 3346 | 1990 |
Perspective: The Stage‐Gate® Idea‐to‐Launch Process—Update, What's New, and NexGen Systems* RG Cooper Journal of product innovation management 25 (3), 213-232, 2008 | 2445 | 2008 |
New products: what separates winners from losers? RG Cooper, EJ Kleinschmidt Journal of product innovation management 4 (3), 169-184, 1987 | 2366 | 1987 |
Benchmarking the firm's critical success factors in new product development RG Cooper, EJ Kleinschmidt Journal of Product Innovation Management: An International Publication of …, 1995 | 2180 | 1995 |
The dimensions of industrial new product success and failure RG Cooper Journal of marketing 43 (3), 93-103, 1979 | 2034 | 1979 |
Third‐generation new product processes RG Cooper Journal of Product Innovation Management: an international publication of …, 1994 | 1727 | 1994 |
Portfolio management for new products RG Cooper, SJ Edgett, EJ Kleinschmidt Basic books, 2001 | 1643 | 2001 |
New product portfolio management: practices and performance RG Cooper, SJ Edgett, EJ Kleinschmidt Journal of Product Innovation Management: An International Publication of …, 1999 | 1441 | 1999 |
The impact of product innovativeness on performance EJ Kleinschmidt, RG Cooper Journal of product innovation management 8 (4), 240-251, 1991 | 1440 | 1991 |
Portfolio management for new product development: results of an industry practices study R Cooper, S Edgett, E Kleinschmidt r&D Management 31 (4), 361-380, 2001 | 1273 | 2001 |
From experience: the invisible success factors in product innovation RG Cooper Journal of product innovation management 16 (2), 115-133, 1999 | 1136 | 1999 |
The impact of export strategy on export sales performance RG Cooper, EJ Kleinschmidt Journal of international business studies 16, 37-55, 1985 | 991 | 1985 |
Success factors in product innovation RG Cooper, EJ Kleinschmidt Industrial marketing management 16 (3), 215-223, 1987 | 905 | 1987 |
Winning at new products: Creating value through innovation RG Cooper Basic books, 2011 | 893 | 2011 |
Determinants of timeliness in product development RG Cooper, EJ Kleinschmidt Journal of Product Innovation Management: An international publication of …, 1994 | 850 | 1994 |
The drivers of success in new-product development RG Cooper Industrial marketing management 76, 36-47, 2019 | 835 | 2019 |
Optimizing the stage-gate process: what best-practice companies do—I RG Cooper, SJ Edgett, EJ Kleinschmidt Research-Technology Management 45 (5), 21-27, 2002 | 817 | 2002 |
What's next?: After stage-gate RG Cooper Research-technology management 57 (1), 20-31, 2014 | 763 | 2014 |
Predevelopment activities determine new product success RG Cooper Industrial marketing management 17 (3), 237-247, 1988 | 748 | 1988 |