John Beamish
John Beamish
Professor of Physics, University of Alberta
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Low-temperature shear modulus changes in solid 4He and connection to supersolidity
J Day, J Beamish
Nature 450 (7171), 853-856, 2007
Freezing and melting of fluids in porous glasses
E Molz, APY Wong, MHW Chan, JR Beamish
Physical Review B 48 (9), 5741, 1993
Pressure-driven flow of solid helium
J Day, J Beamish
Physical review letters 96 (10), 105304, 2006
Solidification and Superfluidity of in Porous Vycor Glass
JR Beamish, A Hikata, L Tell, C Elbaum
Physical review letters 50 (6), 425, 1983
Freezing and pressure-driven flow of solid helium in Vycor
J Day, T Herman, J Beamish
Physical review letters 95 (3), 035301, 2005
Giant plasticity of a quantum crystal
A Haziot, X Rojas, AD Fefferman, JR Beamish, S Balibar
Physical review letters 110 (3), 035301, 2013
Frequency dependence and dissipation in the dynamics of solid helium
O Syshchenko, J Day, J Beamish
Physical Review Letters 104 (19), 195301, 2010
Intrinsic and dislocation-induced elastic behavior of solid helium
J Day, O Syshchenko, J Beamish
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (21), 214524, 2009
Deformation of silica aerogel during fluid adsorption
T Herman, J Day, J Beamish
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 73 (9), 094127, 2006
Role of shear modulus and statistics in the supersolidity of helium
JT West, O Syshchenko, J Beamish, MHW Chan
Nature Physics 5 (8), 598-601, 2009
Elastic effects in torsional oscillators containing solid helium
JR Beamish, AD Fefferman, A Haziot, X Rojas, S Balibar
Physical Review B 85 (18), 180501, 2012
Nonlinear elastic response in solid helium: critical velocity or strain?
J Day, O Syshchenko, J Beamish
Physical review letters 104 (7), 075302, 2010
Freezing and melting of helium in different porous media
EB Molz, JR Beamish
Journal of low temperature physics 101, 1055-1077, 1995
Vacancy diffusion and stress relaxation in He 4 freezing in porous Vycor
JR Beamish, N Mulders, A Hikata, C Elbaum
Physical Review B 44 (17), 9314, 1991
Helium mass flow through a solid-superfluid-solid junction
ZG Cheng, J Beamish, AD Fefferman, F Souris, S Balibar, V Dauvois
Physical review letters 114 (16), 165301, 2015
Compression-Driven Mass Flow in Bulk Solid
ZG Cheng, J Beamish
Physical review letters 117 (2), 025301, 2016
Dislocation networks in He crystals
AD Fefferman, F Souris, A Haziot, JR Beamish, S Balibar
Physical Review B 89 (1), 014105, 2014
Dislocation densities and lengths in solid He from elasticity measurements
A Haziot, AD Fefferman, JR Beamish, S Balibar
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (6), 060509, 2013
Critical dislocation speed in helium-4 crystals
A Haziot, AD Fefferman, F Souris, JR Beamish, HJ Maris, S Balibar
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (1), 014106, 2013
Frequency Dependence of the Superfluid Transition in He 4 Films on Porous Vycor Glass
N Mulders, JR Beamish
Physical review letters 62 (4), 438, 1989
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