Joel C. Huegel
Joel C. Huegel
Tecnologico de Monterrey
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Progressive shared control for training in virtual environments
Y Li, JC Huegel, V Patoglu, MK O'Malley
World Haptics 2009-Third Joint EuroHaptics conference and Symposium on …, 2009
Progressive haptic and visual guidance for training in a virtual dynamic task
JC Huegel, MK O'Malley
2010 IEEE Haptics Symposium, 343-350, 2010
Tribocorrosion behavior and ions release of CoCrMo alloy coated with a TiAlVCN/CNx multilayer in simulated body fluid plus bovine serum albumin
B Alemón, M Flores, W Ramírez, JC Huegel, E Broitman
Tribology International 81, 159-168, 2015
Design, refinement, implementation and prototype testing of a reconfigurable lathe-mill
A Aguilar, A Roman-Flores, JC Huegel
Journal of manufacturing systems 32 (2), 364-371, 2013
Effects of different tactile feedback on myoelectric closed-loop control for grasping based on electrotactile stimulation
H Xu, D Zhang, JC Huegel, W Xu, X Zhu
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 24 (8 …, 2015
Expertise-based performance measures in a virtual training environment
JC Huegel, O Celik, A Israr, MK O'Malley
Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments 18 (6), 449-467, 2009
MyVox—Device for the communication between people: blind, deaf, deaf-blind and unimpaired
F Ramirez-Garibay, CM Olivarria, AFE Aguilera, JC Huegel
IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC 2014), 506-509, 2014
Distributed parameter system identification using finite element differential neural networks
O Aguilar-Leal, RQ Fuentes-Aguilar, I Chairez, A García-González, ...
Applied Soft Computing 43, 633-642, 2016
Inverse kinematics solution for robotic manipulators using a cuda-based parallel genetic algorithm
OA Aguilar, JC Huegel
Mexican international conference on artificial intelligence, 490-503, 2011
The RiceWrist: A distal upper extremity rehabilitation robot for stroke therapy
MK O'Malley, A Sledd, A Gupta, V Patoglu, J Huegel, C Burgar
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 47683 …, 2006
Interface pressure system to compare the functional performance of prosthetic sockets during the gait in people with trans-tibial amputation
S Ibarra Aguila, GJ Sánchez, EE Sauvain, B Alemon, RQ Fuentes-Aguilar, ...
Sensors 20 (24), 7043, 2020
An adaptable human-like gait pattern generator derived from a lower limb exoskeleton
R Mendoza-Crespo, D Torricelli, JC Huegel, JL Gordillo, JL Pons, R Soto
Frontiers in Robotics and AI 6, 36, 2019
Visual versus haptic progressive guidance for training in a virtual dynamic task
JC Huegel, MK O'Malley
World Haptics 2009-Third Joint EuroHaptics conference and Symposium on …, 2009
Rolling ball method applied to 3½½-axis machining for tool orientation and positioning and path planning
A Roman, E Barocio, JC Huegel, S Bedi
Advances in Mechanical Engineering 7 (12), 1687814015620072, 2015
Probabilistic learning coherent point drift for 3D ultrasound fetal head registration
J Perez–Gonzalez, F Arámbula Cosío, JC Huegel, V Medina-Bañuelos
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 2020 (1), 4271519, 2020
Validation of a smooth movement model for a human reaching task
JC Huegel, AJ Lynch, MK O'Malley
2009 IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, 799-804, 2009
A pneumatic reconfigurable socket for transtibial amputees
S Mollaee, RQ Fuentes‐Aguilar, JC Huegel, DM Budgett, AJ Taberner, ...
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering 40 (2 …, 2024
ARACAM: A RGB-D multi-view photogrammetry system for lower limb 3D reconstruction applications
MA Barreto, J Perez-Gonzalez, HM Herr, JC Huegel
Sensors 22 (7), 2443, 2022
Serious Games or Challenge-based Learning-A comparative analysis of learning models in the teaching of lean manufacturing
J Cuevas-Ortuño, JC Huegel
2020 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 1542-1549, 2020
Platform for the study of virtual task-oriented motion and its evaluation by EEG and EMG biopotentials
I Figueroa-Garcia, O Aguilar-Leal, AG Hernandez-Reynoso, J Madrigal, ...
2014 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2014
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