Global vascular guidelines on the management of chronic limb-threatening ischemia MS Conte, AW Bradbury, P Kolh, JV White, F Dick, R Fitridge, JL Mills, ... European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 58 (1), S1-S109. e33, 2019 | 2555 | 2019 |
GVG Writing Group for the Joint Guidelines of the Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS), European Society for Vascular Surgery (ESVS), and World Federation of Vascular Societies … MS Conte, AW Bradbury, P Kolh, JV White, F Dick, R Fitridge, JL Mills, ... Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 58 (1S), S1-S109, 2019 | 140 | 2019 |
Ultrasound guided percutaneous cholecystostomy in high-risk patients for surgical intervention H Bakkaloglu, H Yanar, R Guloglu, K Taviloglu, F Tunca, M Aksoy, ... World journal of gastroenterology: WJG 12 (44), 7179, 2006 | 130 | 2006 |
The diagnosis of osteomyelitis of the foot in diabetes: microbiological examination vs. magnetic resonance imaging and labelled leucocyte scanning MB Ertugrul, S Baktiroglu, S Salman, S Unal, M Aksoy, K Berberoglu, ... Diabetic medicine 23 (6), 649-653, 2006 | 128 | 2006 |
Vacuum assisted closure improves the quality of life in patients with diabetic foot O Karatepe, I Eken, E Acet, O Unal, M Mert, B Koc, S Karahan, U Filizcan, ... Acta Chirurgica Belgica 111 (5), 298-302, 2011 | 75 | 2011 |
Major retroperitoneal vascular injuries during laparoscopic cholecystectomy and appendectomy R Guloglu, S Dilege, M Aksoy, O Alimoglu, N Yavuz, M Mihmanli, ... Journal of Laparoendoscopic & Advanced Surgical Techniques 14 (2), 73-76, 2004 | 70 | 2004 |
Chemical liquid and transformer oil condition sensor based on metamaterial-inspired labyrinth resonator O Altintaş, M Aksoy, E Ünal, M Karaaslan Journal of The Electrochemical Society 166 (6), B482, 2019 | 67 | 2019 |
Fluid, strain and rotation sensing applications by using metamaterial based sensor O Altintas, M Aksoy, O Akgol, E Unal, M Karaaslan, C Sabah Journal of The Electrochemical Society 164 (12), B567, 2017 | 66 | 2017 |
Aggressive bowel preparation does not enhance bacterial translocation, provided the mucosal barrier is not disrupted: a prospective, randomized study TI Kale, MA Kuzu, A Tekeli, A Tanik, M Aksoy, M Cete Diseases of the colon & rectum 41, 636-641, 1998 | 66 | 1998 |
Pathogens isolated from deep soft tissue and bone in patients with diabetic foot infections MB Ertugrul, S Baktiroglu, S Salman, S Unal, M Aksoy, K Berberoglu, ... Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association 98 (4), 290-295, 2008 | 65 | 2008 |
Traumatic injuries to the subclavian and axillary arteries: a 13-year review M Aksoy, F Tunca, H Yanar, R Guloglu, C Ertekin, M Kurtoglu Surgery today 35, 561-565, 2005 | 65 | 2005 |
Vascular reconstruction in Buerger's disease: is it feasible? Ş Dilege, M Aksoy, M Kayabali, FA Genc, M Senturk, S Baktiroglu Surgery today 32, 1042-1047, 2002 | 63 | 2002 |
What really affects the incidence of central venous catheter-related infections for short-term catheterization? Y Giles, M Aksoy, S Tezelman Acta Chirurgica Belgica 102 (4), 256-258, 2002 | 60 | 2002 |
Turkish community-based palliative care model: a unique design N Ozgul, M Gultekin, O Koc, F Goksel, G Bayraktar, H Ekinci, I Sencan, ... Annals of Oncology 23, iii76-iii78, 2012 | 57 | 2012 |
The safety and efficacy of angioseal in therapeutic endovascular interventions M Aksoy, JP Becquemin, P Desgranges, E Allaire, H Kobeiter European journal of vascular and endovascular surgery 32 (1), 90-93, 2006 | 56 | 2006 |
Design of a metamaterial inspired omega shaped resonator based sensor for industrial implementations O Altıntaş, M Aksoy, E Ünal Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 116, 113734, 2020 | 52 | 2020 |
Sağlık Bakanlığı'nın akılcı ilaç kullanımını yaygınlaştırma faaliyetleri M AKSOY, A ALKAN, F İŞLİ Turkiye Klinikleri Pharmacology-Special Topics 3 (1), 19-26, 2015 | 49 | 2015 |
Histopathological comparison of topical therapy modalities for acute radiation proctitis in an experimental rat model C Korkut, O Asoglu, M Aksoy, Y Kapran, H Bilge, N Kiremit-Korkut, ... World Journal of Gastroenterology: WJG 12 (30), 4879, 2006 | 40 | 2006 |
Percutaneous transcatheter embolization in arterial injuries of the lower limbs M Aksoy, K Taviloglu, H Yanar, A Poyanli, C Ertekin, I Rozanes, R Guloglu, ... Acta radiologica 46 (5), 471-475, 2005 | 37 | 2005 |
Artificial neural network approach for locomotive maintenance by monitoring dielectric properties of engine lubricant O Altıntaş, M Aksoy, E Ünal, O Akgöl, M Karaaslan Measurement 145, 678-686, 2019 | 36 | 2019 |