Max-type copositive Lyapunov functions for switching positive linear systems OC Pastravanu, MH Matcovschi Automatica 50 (12), 3323-3327, 2014 | 50 | 2014 |
Aplicaţii ale reţelelor Petri în studierea sistemelor cu evenimente discrete O Pastravanu, MH Matcovschi, C Mahulea Editura Gh. Asachi, Iaşi, ISBN: 973-8292-86-7, 2002 | 46* | 2002 |
Petri Net Toolbox—Teaching Discrete Event Systems Under MATLAB O Pastravanu, MH Matcovschi, C Mahulea Advances in automatic control (Mihail Voicu, Ed.), 247-255, 2004 | 43* | 2004 |
Diagonal stability of interval matrices and applications O Pastravanu, MH Matcovschi Linear algebra and its applications 433 (8-10), 1646-1658, 2010 | 26 | 2010 |
Computation of angular velocity and acceleration tensors by direct measurements D Condurache, M Matcovschi Acta Mechanica 153 (3), 147-167, 2002 | 23 | 2002 |
Modeling of a pressure reducing valve actuator for automotive applications AE Balau, CF Caruntu, DI Patrascu, C Lazar, MH Matcovschi, ... 2009 IEEE Control Applications,(CCA) & Intelligent Control,(ISIC), 1356-1361, 2009 | 20 | 2009 |
Neural observer-based approach to fault-tolerant control of a three-tank system T Marcu, MH Matcovschi, PM Frank 1999 European Control Conference (ECC), 4053-4058, 1999 | 20 | 1999 |
Petri net toolbox in control engineering education MH Matcovschi, C Mahulea, C Lefter, O Pastravanu 2006 IEEE Conference on Computer Aided Control System Design, 2006 IEEE …, 2006 | 16 | 2006 |
Neural observer-based approach to fault detection and isolation of a three-tank system T Marcu, MH Matcovschi, PM Frank Proceedings of the European Control Conference, Karlsruhe, Germany, 1999 | 15 | 1999 |
Flow-invariance and stability analysis for a class of nonlinear systems with slope conditions MH Matcovschi, O Pastravanu European journal of control 10 (4), 352-364, 2004 | 14 | 2004 |
Exploring Structural Properties of Petri Nets in MATLAB MH Matcovschi, C Mahulea, O Păstrăvanu 7th International Symposium on Automatic Control and Computer Science SACCS …, 2001 | 14 | 2001 |
Qualitative analysis results for arbitrarily switching positive systems O Pastravanu, MH Matcovschi, M Voicu 18-th World Congress of IFAC, Milan, Italy, August 28 - September 2, 2011 …, 2011 | 12 | 2011 |
Linear time-variant systems: Lyapunov functions and invariant sets defined by Hölder norms O Pastravanu, MH Matcovschi Journal of the Franklin Institute 347 (3), 627-640, 2010 | 12 | 2010 |
MATLAB tools for the analysis of Petri net models J Júlvez, MH Matcovschi, O Pastravanu Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE emerging technology and factory automation …, 2014 | 11 | 2014 |
Algebraic computation of the twist of a rigid body through direct measurements D Condurache, MH Matcovschi Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 190 (40-41), 5357-5376, 2001 | 11 | 2001 |
Sufficient conditions for Schur and Hurwitz diagonal stability of complex interval matrices O Pastravanu, MH Matcovschi Linear Algebra and its Applications 467, 149-173, 2015 | 10 | 2015 |
Diagonally invariant exponential stability and stabilizability of switching linear systems MH Matcovschi, O Pastravanu Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 82 (8), 1407-1418, 2012 | 10 | 2012 |
Perron-Frobenius theorem and invariant sets in linear systems dynamics MH Matcovschi, O Pastravanu 2007 Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation, 1-6, 2007 | 10 | 2007 |
Absolute componentwise stability of interval Hopfield neural networks O Pastravanu, MH Matcovschi IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics) 35 …, 2005 | 10 | 2005 |
Right bounds for eigenvalue ranges of interval matrices-Estimation principles vs global optimization MH Matcovschi, O Pastravanu, M Voicu Journal of Control Engineering and Applied Informatics 14 (1), 3-13, 2012 | 8 | 2012 |