Artikel dengan mandat akses publik - Francesco CerritelliPelajari lebih lanjut
Tersedia di suatu tempat: 5
Recommendations for the development, implementation, and reporting of control interventions in efficacy and mechanistic trials of physical, psychological, and self-management …
D Hohenschurz-Schmidt, L Vase, W Scott, M Annoni, OK Ajayi, J Barth, ...
bmj 381, 2023
Mandat: US National Institutes of Health
Brain connectivity changes after osteopathic manipulative treatment: a randomized manual placebo-controlled trial
M Tramontano, F Cerritelli, F Piras, B Spanò, F Tamburella, F Piras, ...
Brain Sciences 10 (12), 969, 2020
Mandat: Government of Italy
Therapeutic alliance as active inference: the role of therapeutic touch and biobehavioural synchrony in musculoskeletal care
Z McParlin, F Cerritelli, G Rossettini, KJ Friston, JE Esteves
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 16, 897247, 2022
Mandat: UK Economic and Social Research Council, Wellcome Trust
An active inference account of touch and verbal communication in therapy
J Kim, JE Esteves, F Cerritelli, K Friston
Frontiers in Psychology 13, 828952, 2022
Mandat: UK Economic and Social Research Council, Wellcome Trust
Therapeutic touch and therapeutic alliance in pediatric care and neonatology: An active inference framework
Z McParlin, F Cerritelli, A Manzotti, KJ Friston, JE Esteves
Frontiers in Pediatrics 11, 961075, 2023
Mandat: UK Economic and Social Research Council, Wellcome Trust
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