Linda MacDonald Glenn
Linda MacDonald Glenn
Nama lainnyaLinda M Glenn
UC Santa Cruz, Crown College - Founding Director, CAVEAT & Lecturer, CSUMB
Email yang diverifikasi di ucsc.edu - Beranda
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Dikutip oleh
Quality of life: An approach integrating opportunities, human needs, and subjective well-being
R Costanza, B Fisher, S Ali, C Beer, L Bond, R Boumans, NL Danigelis, ...
Ecological economics 61 (2-3), 267-276, 2007
An integrative approach to quality of life measurement, research, and policy
R Costanza, B Fisher, S Ali, C Beer, L Bond, R Boumans, NL Danigelis, ...
SAPI EN. S. Surveys and Perspectives Integrating Environment and Society, 2008
Regenerative nanomedicine: ethical, legal, and social issues
LMD Glenn, JS Boyce
Nanotechnology in Regenerative Medicine: Methods and Protocols, 303-316, 2011
Intelligence unbound: The future of uploaded and machine minds
R Blackford, D Broderick
John Wiley & Sons, 2014
Biotechnology at the margins of personhood: An evolving legal paradigm
LMD Glenn
McGill University, 2002
Ethical issues in genetic engineering and transgenics
LMD Glenn
Ethical and Legal Issues in Human-Machine Mergers (or the Cyborgs Cometh)
LMD Glenn
Annals of Health Law 21 (75), 175-180, 2012
Lynne Bond, Roelof Boumans, Nicholas L
R Costanza, B Fisher, S Ali, C Beer
Danigelis, Jennifer Dickinson, Carolyn Elliott, Joshua Farley, Diane Elliott …, 2007
When pigs fly? Legal and ethical issues in transgenics and the creation of chimeras
LMD Glenn
Physiologist 46 (5), 251-253, 2003
Nanotechnology: considering the complex ethical, legal, and societal issues with the parameters of human performance
LMD Glenn, JS Boyce
Nanoethics 2 (3), 265-275, 2008
A legal perspective on humanity, personhood, and species boundaries
LMD Glenn
Taylor & Francis Group 3 (3), 27-28, 2003
Dignity and agential realism: Human, posthuman, and nonhuman
LMD Glenn, G Dvorsky
The American Journal of Bioethics 10 (7), 57-58, 2010
Keeping an open mind: what legal safeguards are needed?
LMD Glenn
The American Journal of Bioethics 5 (2), 60-61, 2005
"What is a Person?"
LMD Glenn
Posthumanism: the future of Homo Sapiens, 2018
Cultivating conscience: Moral neurohabilitation of adolescents and young adults with conduct and/or antisocial personality disorders
N Tuck, LMD Glenn
Bioethics 35 (4), 337-347, 2021
IEEE Symbiotic Autonomous Systems White Paper II
R Dambrot, S. M., de Kerchove, D., Flammini, F., Kinsner, W., MacDonald ...
IEEE Press, 2018
IEEE Symbiotic Autonomous Systems White Paper II
R Dambrot, S.M., de Kerchove, D., Flammini, F., Kinsner, W., MacDonald Glenn ...
http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1260812/FULLTEXT01.pdf, 2018
The Moveable Feast: Legal, Ethical, and Social Implications of Converging Technologies on Our Dinner Tables
LMD Glenn, L D'Agostino
Northeastern University Law Journal 4 (1), 111-133, 2012
At the nexus: augmented cognition, health care, and the law
LMD Glenn, JAS Boyce
Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making 1 (3), 363-373, 2007
Case Study: Ethical and Legal Issues in Human Machine Mergers (Or the Cyborgs Cometh)
L MacDonald Glenn
Annals of Health Law and Life Sciences 21 (1), 175, 2012
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