Mark R. Gilbert
Mark R. Gilbert
Culham Centre for Fusion energy, United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
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Recent progress in research on tungsten materials for nuclear fusion applications in Europe
M Rieth, SL Dudarev, SMG De Vicente, J Aktaa, T Ahlgren, S Antusch, ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials 432 (1-3), 482-500, 2013
The joint evaluated fission and fusion nuclear data library, JEFF-3.3
AJM Plompen, O Cabellos, C de Saint Jean, M Fleming, A Algora, ...
The European Physical Journal A 56, 1-108, 2020
Neutron-induced transmutation effects in W and W-alloys in a fusion environment
MR Gilbert, JC Sublet
Nuclear Fusion 51 (4), 043005, 2011
European DEMO design strategy and consequences for materials
G Federici, W Biel, MR Gilbert, R Kemp, N Taylor, R Wenninger
Nuclear Fusion 57 (9), 092002, 2017
FISPACT-2007: User manual
RA Forrest, MR Gilbert
EURATOM/UKAEA fusion association, 2007
Interatomic potentials for modelling radiation defects and dislocations in tungsten
MC Marinica, L Ventelon, MR Gilbert, L Proville, SL Dudarev, J Marian, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 25 (39), 395502, 2013
An integrated model for materials in a fusion power plant: transmutation, gas production, and helium embrittlement under neutron irradiation
MR Gilbert, SL Dudarev, S Zheng, LW Packer, JC Sublet
Nuclear Fusion 52 (8), 083019, 2012
Developing structural, high-heat flux and plasma facing materials for a near-term DEMO fusion power plant: The EU assessment
D Stork, P Agostini, JL Boutard, D Buckthorpe, E Diegele, SL Dudarev, ...
Journal of nuclear materials 455 (1-3), 277-291, 2014
Stress and temperature dependence of screw dislocation mobility in α-Fe by molecular dynamics
MR Gilbert, S Queyreau, J Marian
PRB 84 (17), 174103, 2011
FISPACT-II: An Advanced Simulation System for Activation, Transmutation and Material Modelling
JC Sublet, JW Eastwood, JG Morgan, MR Gilbert, M Fleming, W Arter
Nuclear Data Sheets 139, 77-137, 2017
Baseline high heat flux and plasma facing materials for fusion
Y Ueda, K Schmid, M Balden, JW Coenen, T Loewenhoff, A Ito, ...
Nuclear Fusion 57 (9), 092006, 2017
Neutron-induced dpa, transmutations, gas production, and helium embrittlement of fusion materials
MR Gilbert, SL Dudarev, D Nguyen-Manh, S Zheng, LW Packer, ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials 442 (1), S755-S760, 2013
Materials R&D for a timely DEMO: Key findings and recommendations of the EU Roadmap Materials Assessment Group
D Stork, P Agostini, JL Boutard, D Buckthorpe, E Diegele, SL Dudarev, ...
Fusion engineering and design 89 (7), 1586-1594, 2014
Lattice swelling and modulus change in a helium-implanted tungsten alloy: X-ray micro-diffraction, surface acoustic wave measurements, and multiscale modelling
F Hofmann, D Nguyen-Manh, MR Gilbert, CE Beck, JK Eliason, ...
Acta Materialia 89, 352-363, 2015
Edge dislocation mobilities in bcc Fe obtained by molecular dynamics
S Queyreau, J Marian, MR Gilbert, BD Wirth
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (6), 064106, 2011
Recent advances in modeling and simulation of the exposure and response of tungsten to fusion energy conditions
J Marian, CS Becquart, C Domain, SL Dudarev, MR Gilbert, RJ Kurtz, ...
Nuclear Fusion 57 (9), 092008, 2017
Overview of the JET preparation for deuterium–tritium operation with the ITER like-wall
E Joffrin, S Abduallev, M Abhangi, P Abreu, V Afanasev, M Afzal, ...
Nuclear Fusion 59 (11), 112021, 2019
Energy spectra of primary knock-on atoms under neutron irradiation
MR Gilbert, J Marian, JC Sublet
Journal of Nuclear Materials 467, 121-134, 2015
Structure and metastability of mesoscopic vacancy and interstitial loop defects in iron andtungsten
MR Gilbert, SL Dudarev, PM Derlet, DG Pettifor
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 20 (34), 345214, 2008
Ab initio scaling laws for the formation energy of nanosized interstitial defect clusters in iron, tungsten, and vanadium
R Alexander, MC Marinica, L Proville, F Willaime, K Arakawa, MR Gilbert, ...
Physical Review B 94 (2), 024103, 2016
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