fazilet parlakova karagöz
fazilet parlakova karagöz
Email yang diverifikasi di atauni.edu.tr
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Roles of glycine betaine in mitigating deleterious effect of salt stress on lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.)
E Yildirim, M Ekinci, M Turan, A Dursun, R Kul, F Parlakova
Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 61 (12), 1673-1689, 2015
Exogenously applied glycine betaine regulates some chemical characteristics and antioxidative defence systems in lettuce under salt stress
M Shams, E Yildirim, M Ekinci, M Turan, A Dursun, F Parlakova, R Kul
Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology 57, 225-231, 2016
Effects of nanotechnology liquid fertilizers on the plant growth and yield of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.)
M Ekinci, A Dursun, E Yildirim, F Parlakova
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Hortorum Cultus 13 (3), 2014
Effect of nitrogen fixing and phosphate-solubilizing Rhizobacteria isolated from Van Lake Basin on the growth and quality properties in wheat and sugar beet. Turkey IV
M Erman, R Kotan, R Çakmakçı, F Çığ, K Karagöz, M Sezen
Organic Farming Symposium 28, 325-329, 2010
Assessment of the Effects of Some Bacterial Isolates and Hormones on Corm Formation and Some Plant Properties in Saffron (Crocus sativus L.).
F Parlakova Karagöz, A Dursun, R Kotan, M Ekinci, E Yildirim, ...
Journal of Agricultural Sciences/Tarim Bilimleri Dergisi 22 (4), 2016
Efficacy of vermicompost and/or plant growth promoting bacteria on the plant growth and development in gladiolus
FP Karagöz, A Dursun, N Tekiner, R Kul, R Kotan
Ornamental horticulture 25, 180-188, 2019
A review: use of soilless culture techniques in ornamental plants
FP Karagöz, A Dursun, M Karaşal
Ornamental Horticulture 28 (2), 172-180, 2022
Integrated use of nitrogen fertilization and microbial inoculation: change in the growth and chemical composition of white cabbage
E Yildirim, M Turan, A Dursun, M Ekinci, R Kul, FP Karagoz, MF Donmez, ...
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 47 (19), 2245-2260, 2016
Purification of the phytase enzyme from Lactobacillus plantarum: The effect on pansy growth and macro–micro element content
FP Karagöz, Y Demir, MŞ Kotan, A Dursun, Ş Beydemir, N Dikbaş
Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry 68 (5), 1067-1075, 2021
Giberellik asit ön uygulamasına tabi tutulmuş hüsnüyusuf (Dianthus barbatus L.) tohumlarının tuz stresinde çimlenmesi
S Yıldız, FP Karagöz, A Dursun
Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 48 (1), 1-7, 2017
Determination of the effects of bacterial fertilizer on yield and growth parameters of tomato
A Dursun, E Yildirim, M Turan, M Ekinci, R Kul, F Parlakova Karagoz
Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology 21 (5), 1227-1234, 2019
Effects of Rhizobacteria on Plant Development, Quality of Flowering and Bulb Mineral Contents in Hyacinthus orientalis L.
FP Karagöz, A Dursu, R Kotan
Alinteri Journal of Agriculture Science 34 (1), 88-95, 2019
Van Gölü Havzası’ndan izole edilen azot fikseri ve fosfat çözücü bakterilerin buğday ve şeker pancarında büyüme ve verim özellikleri üzerine etkileri
M Erman, R Kotan, R Çakmakçı, F Çığ, F Karagöz, M Sezen
Türkiye IV. Organik Tarım Sempozyumu 28, 325-329, 2010
Azot fikseri ve fosfat çözücü bakterilerin lale çeşitlerinin bitkisel gelişimi, soğan sayısı, kalitesi ve mineral madde içeriğine etkisi
F Parlakova
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2014
Calcium nitrate on growth and ornamental traits at salt-stressed condition in ornamental kale (Brassica oleracea L. var. Acephala)
FP Karagöz, A Dursun
Ornamental horticulture 27, 196-203, 2021
A study of different bacterial formulations in increasing the nutrient content of bulb and leaf of tulips and grown soil samples
FP Karagoz, A Dursun
Journal of Horticultural Science & Ornamental Plants 11 (1), 52-65, 2019
Dissection of genetic diversity and population structure in oregano (Origanum acutidens L.) genotypes based on agro-morphological properties and start codon targeted (SCoT) markers
H Karagöz, A Hosseinpour, FP Karagöz, R Cakmakci, K Haliloglu
Biologia 77 (5), 1231-1247, 2022
Effects of PGPR formulations, chemical fertilizers, and their combinations on physiological traits and quality of bracts of poinsettia
F Parlakova Karagoz, A Dursun
Journal of Agricultural Science and technology 22 (3), 775-787, 2020
Ornamental cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. acephala) responses to phytase enzyme purified from Lactobacillus coryniformis application
N Dikbaş, F Parlakova Karagöz, S Uçar, Y Demir
Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry 70 (3), 1407-1420, 2023
Effects of nitrogen fixing and phosphate solubilizing bacteria on plant development, number of bulb, quality of bulb and mineral contents of tulip cultivars
F Parlakova
MSc. Thesis, Erzurum, 113, 2014
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