Artikel dengan mandat akses publik - Kun WangPelajari lebih lanjut
Tersedia di suatu tempat: 2
A Look Inside 5G Standards to Support Time Synchronization for Smart Manufacturing
I Godor, M Luvisotto, S Ruffini, K Wang, D Patel, J Sachs, O Dobrijevic, ...
IEEE Communications Standards Magazine 4 (3), 14-21, 2020
Mandat: European Commission
Techno-Economic Evaluation of FTTH Migration for a Network Provider: Comparison of NG-AON and TWDM-PON
M Van der Wee, K Casier, K Wang, S Verbrugge, M Pickavet
Asia Communications and Photonics Conference, AW3I. 3, 2013
Mandat: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Informasi terbitan dan pendanaan ditentukan secara otomatis oleh program komputer