Guglielmina Mutani
Guglielmina Mutani
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A GIS-statistical approach for assessing built environment energy use at urban scale
ST Moghadam, J Toniolo, G Mutani, P Lombardi
Sustainable Cities and Society 37, 70-84, 2018
A supporting method for selecting cost-optimal energy retrofit policies for residential buildings at the urban scale
C Delmastro, G Mutani, SP Corgnati
Energy Policy 99, 42-56, 2016
The effects of green roofs on outdoor thermal comfort, urban heat island mitigation and energy savings
G Mutani, V Todeschi
Atmosphere 11 (2), 123, 2020
Experimental and theoretical analysis of natural ventilation by windows opening
GV Fracastoro, G Mutani, M Perino
Energy and Buildings 34 (8), 817-827, 2002
Chinese residential energy demand: Scenarios to 2030 and policies implication
C Delmastro, E Lavagno, G Mutani
Energy and Buildings 89, 49-60, 2015
The evaluation of buildings energy consumption and the optimization of district heating networks: a GIS-based model
C Delmastro, G Mutani, L Schranz
International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering 7, 343-351, 2016
Reduction of CO2 emissions in urban areas through optimal expansion of existing district heating networks
E Guelpa, G Mutani, V Todeschi, V Verda
Journal of Cleaner Production 204, 117-129, 2018
A new clustering and visualization method to evaluate urban heat energy planning scenarios
ST Moghadam, S Coccolo, G Mutani, P Lombardi, JL Scartezzini, ...
Cities 88, 19-36, 2019
Towards Energy Self-consumption and Self-sufficiency in Urban Energy Communities.
V Todeschi, P Marocco, G Mutani, A Lanzini, M Santarelli
International Journal of Heat & Technology 39 (1), 2021
Straw buildings: a good compromise between environmental sustainability and energy-economic savings
G Mutani, C Azzolino, M Macrì, S Mancuso
Applied Sciences 10 (8), 2858, 2020
The role of urban form and socio-economic variables for estimating the building energy savings potential at the urban scale
C Delmastro, G Mutani, L Schranz, G Vicentini
International Journal of Heat and Technology 33 (4), 91-100, 2015
An energy community for territorial resilience: Measurement of the risk of an energy supply blackout
G Mutani, S Santantonio, G Brunetta, O Caldarice, M Demichela
Energy and Buildings 240, 110906, 2021
Characterization of building thermal energy consumption at the urban scale
G Mutani, C Delmastro, M Gargiulo, SP Corgnati
Energy Procedia 101, 384-391, 2016
Building energy modeling at neighborhood scale
G Mutani, V Todeschi
Energy Efficiency 13 (7), 1353-1386, 2020
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the energy performance of residential neighborhoods and their occupancy behavior
V Todeschi, K Javanroodi, R Castello, N Mohajeri, G Mutani, ...
Sustainable Cities and Society 82, 103896, 2022
GIS-based urban energy modelling and energy efficiency scenarios using the energy performance certificate database
G Mutani, V Todeschi
Energy Efficiency 14 (5), 47, 2021
Space heating models at urban scale for buildings in the city of Turin (Italy)
G Mutani, V Todeschi
Energy Procedia 122, 841-846, 2017
Night-time and daytime operating speed distribution in urban arterials
M Bassani, L Catani, C Cirillo, G Mutani
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 42, 56-69, 2016
Smart solutions for sustainable cities—The re-coding experience for harnessing the potential of urban rooftops
V Todeschi, G Mutani, L Baima, M Nigra, M Robiglio
Applied Sciences 10 (20), 7112, 2020
Energy resilience, vulnerability and risk in urban spaces
G Mutani, V Todeschi
Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems …, 2018
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