Artikel dengan mandat akses publik - Alain PierretPelajari lebih lanjut
Tersedia di suatu tempat: 24
Vegetation as a driver of temporal variations in slope stability: The impact of hydrological processes
JH Kim, T Fourcaud, C Jourdan, JL Maeght, Z Mao, J Metayer, L Meylan, ...
Geophysical research letters 44 (10), 4897-4907, 2017
Mandat: European Commission
Contradictory hydrological impacts of afforestation in the humid tropics evidenced by long-term field monitoring and simulation modelling
G Lacombe, O Ribolzi, A De Rouw, A Pierret, K Latsachak, N Silvera, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 20 (7), 2691-2704, 2016
Mandat: CGIAR
Linking crop structure, throughfall, soil surface conditions, runoff and soil detachment: 10 land uses analyzed in Northern Laos
G Lacombe, C Valentin, P Sounyafong, A De Rouw, B Soulileuth, ...
Science of the Total Environment 616, 1330-1338, 2018
Mandat: CGIAR
From shifting cultivation to teak plantation: effect on overland flow and sediment yield in a montane tropical catchment
O Ribolzi, O Evrard, S Huon, A De Rouw, N Silvera, KO Latsachack, ...
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 3987, 2017
Mandat: CGIAR
Hydrological regime and water shortage as drivers of the seasonal incidence of diarrheal diseases in a tropical montane environment
L Boithias, M Choisy, N Souliyaseng, M Jourdren, F Quet, Y Buisson, ...
PLoS neglected tropical diseases 10 (12), e0005195, 2016
Mandat: Wellcome Trust
Land use and soil type determine the presence of the pathogen Burkholderia pseudomallei in tropical rivers
O Ribolzi, E Rochelle-Newall, S Dittrich, Y Auda, PN Newton, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23, 7828-7839, 2016
Mandat: Wellcome Trust
Burkholderia pseudomallei in a lowland rice paddy: seasonal changes and influence of soil depth and physico-chemical properties
L Manivanh, A Pierret, S Rattanavong, O Kounnavongsa, Y Buisson, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 3031, 2017
Mandat: Wellcome Trust
Evaluation of molecular methods to improve the detection of Burkholderia pseudomallei in soil and water samples from Laos
M Knappik, DAB Dance, S Rattanavong, A Pierret, O Ribolzi, V Davong, ...
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 81 (11), 3722-3727, 2015
Mandat: Wellcome Trust
Rivers as carriers and potential sentinels for Burkholderia pseudomallei in Laos
RE Zimmermann, O Ribolzi, A Pierret, S Rattanavong, MT Robinson, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 8674, 2018
Mandat: US Department of Defense, Wellcome Trust
Interacting land use and soil surface dynamics control groundwater outflow in a montane catchment of the lower Mekong basin
O Ribolzi, G Lacombe, A Pierret, H Robain, P Sounyafong, A De Rouw, ...
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 268, 90-102, 2018
Mandat: CGIAR
Understory limits surface runoff and soil loss in teak tree plantations of Northern Lao PDR
L Song, L Boithias, O Sengtaheuanghoung, C Oeurng, C Valentin, ...
Water 12 (9), 2327, 2020
Mandat: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Effects of hydrological regime and land use on in-stream Escherichia coli concentration in the Mekong basin, Lao PDR
P Nakhle, O Ribolzi, L Boithias, S Rattanavong, Y Auda, S Sayavong, ...
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 3460, 2021
Mandat: US Department of Defense, Wellcome Trust, Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Afforestation by natural regeneration or by tree planting: examples of opposite hydrological impacts evidenced by long-term field monitoring in the humid tropics.
G Lacombe, O Ribolzi, A De Rouw, A Pierret, K Latsachak, N Silvera, ...
Hydrology & Earth System Sciences Discussions 12 (12), 2015
Mandat: CGIAR
Discovery of a new open-air Hoabinhian site in Luang Prabang province (Lao PDR). Dating and technological study of the lithic assemblage
V Zeitoun, E Bourdon, KO Latsachack, A Pierret, S Singthong, H Baills, ...
Comptes Rendus Palevol 18 (1), 142-157, 2019
Mandat: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Distribution of Burkholderia pseudomallei within a 300-cm deep soil profile: implications for environmental sampling
K Pongmala, A Pierret, P Oliva, A Pando, V Davong, S Rattanavong, ...
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 8674, 2022
Mandat: Wellcome Trust
Evaluation of consensus method for the culture of Burkholderia pseudomallei in soil samples from Laos
DAB Dance, M Knappik, S Dittrich, V Davong, J Silisouk, M Vongsouvath, ...
Wellcome open research 3, 132, 2018
Mandat: Wellcome Trust
Whole-genome assemblies of 16 Burkholderia pseudomallei isolates from rivers in Laos
N Liechti, RE Zimmermann, J Zopfi, MT Robinson, A Pierret, O Ribolzi, ...
Microbiology Resource Announcements 10 (4), 10.1128/mra. 01226-20, 2021
Mandat: US Department of Defense
Melioidosis in Laos
Y Buisson, S Rattanavong, V Keoluangkhot, K Vongphayloth, L Manivanh, ...
Socio-ecological dimensions of infectious diseases in Southeast Asia, 89-104, 2015
Mandat: Wellcome Trust
Village Settlements in Mountainous Tropical Areas, Hotspots of Fecal Contamination as Evidenced by Escherichia coli and Stanol Concentrations in Stormwater …
L Boithias, E Jardé, K Latsachack, C Thammahacksa, N Silvera, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 58 (14), 6335-6348, 2024
Mandat: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Escherichia coli concentration, multiscale monitoring over the decade 2011–2021 in the Mekong River basin, Lao PDR
L Boithias, O Ribolzi, E Rochelle-Newall, C Thammahacksa, P Nakhle, ...
Earth System Science Data 14 (6), 2883-2894, 2022
Mandat: US Department of Defense, Wellcome Trust, Agence Nationale de la Recherche
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