Dr. Vikram Bali
Dr. Vikram Bali
Galgotias College of Engineering and Technology
Email yang diverifikasi di galgotiacollege.edu
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A machine-learning approach for prediction of water contamination using latitude, longitude, and elevation
K Banerjee, V Bali, N Nawaz, S Bali, S Mathur, RK Mishra, S Rani
Water 14 (5), 728, 2022
Significance of Non-Academic Parameters for Predicting Student Performance Using Ensemble Learning Techniques
D Aggarwal, S Mittal, V Bali
International Journal of System Dynamics Applications (IJSDA) 10 (3), 2020
Commercial-off-the shelf vendor selection: A multi-criteria decision-making approach using intuitionistic fuzzy sets and TOPSIS
V Bali, S Bali, D Gaur, S Rani, R Kumar
Operational research in engineering sciences: Theory and applications 6 (2), 2023
Deep Learning based Wind Speed Forecasting-A review
V Bali, A Kumar, S Gangwar
2019 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science …, 2019
Genetic Programming and K-Nearest Neighbour Classifier Based Intrusion Detection Model
S Malhotra, V Bali, KK Paliwal
2017 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science …, 2017
Multi-criterion decision making for wireless communication technologies adoption in IoT
A Juneja, S Juneja, V Bali, S Mahajan
International Journal of System Dynamics Applications (IJSDA) 10 (1), 1-15, 2021
Comparative Analysis of Wind Speed Forecasting Using LSTM and SVM
S Gangwar, V Bali, A Kumar
EAI Endorsed Transactions on Scalable Information Systems 7 (25), 1-9, 2019
Optimal Component Selection Based on Cohesion & Coupling for Component Based Software System under Build-or-Buy Scheme
PC Jha, V Bali, S Narula, M Kalra
Journal of Computational Science 5 (2), 233-242, 2014
An insight into machine learning techniques for predictive analysis and feature selection
D Aggarwal, V Bali, S Mittal
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering 8 …, 2019
Analysis of critical success factors for blockchain technology implementation in healthcare sector
S Bali, V Bali, RP Mohanty, D Gaur
Benchmarking: An International Journal 30 (4), 1367-1399, 2023
Smart traffic management system using IoT enabled technology
V Bali, S Mathur, V Sharma, D Gaur
2020 2nd international conference on advances in computing, communication …, 2020
Cloud Computing Based Futuristic Educational Model for Virtual Learning
S Khan, A Al-Dmour, V Bali, MR Rabbani, K Thirunavukkarasu
Journal of Statistics and Management Systems, 1-29, 2021
Kernel Parameter Tuning to Tweak the Performance of Classifier for Identification of Heart Diseases
A Dhankhar, S Juneja, A Juneja, V Bali
International Journal of E-Health and Medical Communications 12 (4), 2020
A Survey on Fatigue Detection of Workers using Machine Learning
N Yadav, K Banerjee, V Bali
International Journal of E-Health and Medical Communications (IJEHMC) 11 (3 …, 2020
A framework to assess the smartphone buying behaviour using DEMATEL method in the Indian context
S Bali, V Bali, D Gaur, S Rani, R Kumar, P Chadha, Y Sharma, C Prakash, ...
Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 102129, 2023
A Novel Approach for Wind Speed Forecasting Using LSTM-ARIMA Deep Learning Models
V Bali, A Kumar, S Gangwar
International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems …, 2020
Permissioned Blockchain Model for End-to-End Trackability in Supply Chain Management
T Khanna, P Nand, V Bali
International Journal of e-Collaboration (IJeC) 16 (1), 45-58, 2020
Prediction model for classifying students based on performance using machine learning techniques
D Aggarwal, S Mittal, V Bali
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering 8 (2S7), 496-503, 2019
Artificial intelligence and cybersecurity: current trends and future prospects
A Juneja, S Juneja, V Bali, V Jain, H Upadhyay
The Smart Cyber Ecosystem for Sustainable Development, 431-441, 2021
A Novel Approach for Blast-Induced Fly Rock Prediction Based on Particle Swarm Optimization and Artificial Neural Network
N Kumar, B Mishra, V Bali
International Conference on Recent Advancement on Computer and Communication …, 2018
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