Probing exchange pathways in one-dimensional aggregates with super-resolution microscopy L Albertazzi, D Van Der Zwaag, CMA Leenders, R Fitzner, ...
Science 344 (6183), 491-495, 2014
290 2014 Mean-field behavior for nearest-neighbor percolation in R Fitzner, R van der Hofstad
126 2017 Non-backtracking random walk R Fitzner, R van der Hofstad
Journal of Statistical Physics 150, 264-284, 2013
57 2013 Super-resolution imaging of structure, molecular composition, and stability of single oligonucleotide polyplexes N Feiner-Gracia, RA Olea, R Fitzner, N El Boujnouni, AH van Asbeck, ...
Nano Letters 19 (5), 2784-2792, 2019
35 2019 Generalized approach to the non-backtracking lace expansion R Fitzner, R van der Hofstad
Probability Theory and Related Fields 169, 1041-1119, 2017
27 2017 Nearest-neighbor percolation function is continuous for RJ Fitzner, RW van der Hofstad
17 2015 Non-backtracking lace expansion: the NoBLE project RJ Fitzner
17 2013 Birds of a feather or opposites attract-effects in network modelling M Deijfen, R Fitzner
arXiv preprint arXiv:1612.03127, 2016
8 2016 NoBLE for lattice trees and lattice animals R Fitzner, R van der Hofstad
Journal of Statistical Physics 185 (2), 13, 2021
5 2021 Nearest-neighbor percolation function is continuous for d> 10: Extended version R Fitzner, R van der Hofstad
arXiv preprint math/1506.07988 6, 2015
2 2015 Correction to: NoBLE for Lattice Trees and Lattice Animals R Fitzner, R van der Hofstad
Journal of Statistical Physics 186 (2), 26, 2022
2022 Studying the molecular composition and stability in serum of single oligonucleotide polyplexes N Feiner-Gracia, RA Olea, R Fitzner, N El Boujnouni, AH van Asbeck, ...
Reaching the tumour 19 (52), 81, 2019
2019 Investigation of a potentially novel method to investigate protein-protein interactions in protein coronas on nanoparticles R Gerritsen, RW van der Hofstad, R Fitzner, MWJ Prins, J Yan