Judith Blom
Judith Blom
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Aerucyclamides A and B: Isolation and Synthesis of Toxic Ribosomal Heterocyclic Peptides from the Cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa PCC 7806
C Portmann, JF Blom, K Gademann, F Jüttner
Journal of natural products 71 (7), 1193-1196, 2008
Isolation of Aerucyclamides C and D and Structure Revision of Microcyclamide 7806A: Heterocyclic Ribosomal Peptides from Microcystis aeruginosa PCC 7806 …
C Portmann, JF Blom, M Kaiser, R Brun, F Jüttner, K Gademann
Journal of natural products 71 (11), 1891-1896, 2008
Production of the antifungal compound pyrrolnitrin is quorum sensing‐regulated in members of the Burkholderia cepacia complex
S Schmidt, JF Blom, J Pernthaler, G Berg, A Baldwin, E Mahenthiralingam, ...
Environmental microbiology 11 (6), 1422-1437, 2009
High grazer toxicity of [D-Asp3,(E)-Dhb7] microcystin-RR of Planktothrix rubescens as compared to different microcystins
JF Blom, JA Robinson, F Jüttner
Toxicon 39 (12), 1923-1932, 2001
Multiple Toxin Production in the Cyanobacterium Microcystis: Isolation of the Toxic Protease Inhibitor Cyanopeptolin 1020
K Gademann, C Portmann, JF Blom, M Zeder, F Jüttner
Journal of natural products 73 (5), 980-984, 2010
Oscillapeptin J, a New Grazer Toxin of the Freshwater Cyanobacterium Planktothrix rubescens
JF Blom, B Bister, D Bischoff, G Nicholson, G Jung, RD Süssmuth, ...
Journal of natural products 66 (3), 431-434, 2003
Cyanopeptolin 954, a Chlorine-Containing Chymotrypsin Inhibitor of Microcystis aeruginosa NIVA Cya 43
E von Elert, L Oberer, P Merkel, T Huhn, JF Blom
Journal of natural products 68 (9), 1324-1327, 2005
Potent algicides based on the cyanobacterial alkaloid nostocarboline
JF Blom, T Brütsch, D Barbaras, Y Bethuel, HH Locher, C Hubschwerlen, ...
Organic Letters 8 (4), 737-740, 2006
Analytical and Functional Characterization of Microcystins [Asp3]MC-RR and [Asp3,Dhb7]MC-RR:  Consequences for Risk Assessment?
SJ Höger, D Schmid, JF Blom, B Ernst, DR Dietrich
Environmental science & technology 41 (7), 2609-2616, 2007
High crustacean toxicity of microcystin congeners does not correlate with high protein phosphatase inhibitory activity
JF Blom, F Jüttner
Toxicon 46 (4), 465-470, 2005
Molecular effects of the cyanobacterial toxin cyanopeptolin (CP1020) occurring in algal blooms: Global transcriptome analysis in zebrafish embryos
S Faltermann, S Zucchi, E Kohler, JF Blom, J Pernthaler, K Fent
Aquatic Toxicology 149, 33-39, 2014
Integrating phylogeny, geographic niche partitioning and secondary metabolite synthesis in bloom-forming Planktothrix
R Kurmayer, JF Blom, L Deng, J Pernthaler
The ISME journal 9 (4), 909-921, 2015
Sensitivity and adaptation of aquatic organisms to oscillapeptin J and (D-Asp3,(E)-Dhb7) microcystin-RR
Archiv Fur Hydrobiologie 167 (1-4), 547-560, 2006
Isolation and Structure Determination of Two Microcystins and Sequence Comparison of the McyABC Adenylation Domains in Planktothrix Species
G Christiansen, WY Yoshida, JF Blom, C Portmann, K Gademann, ...
Journal of Natural Products 71 (11), 1881-1886, 2008
The toxicity and enzyme activity of a chlorine and sulfate containing aeruginosin isolated from a non-microcystin-producing Planktothrix strain
E Kohler, V Grundler, D Häussinger, R Kurmayer, K Gademann, ...
Harmful Algae 39, 154-160, 2014
Balgacyclamides, Antiplasmodial Heterocyclic Peptides from Microcystis aeruguinosa EAWAG 251
C Portmann, S Sieber, S Wirthensohn, JF Blom, L Da Silva, E Baudat, ...
Journal of natural products 77 (3), 557-562, 2014
Biodegradation of microcystins during gravity-driven membrane (GDM) ultrafiltration
E Kohler, J Villiger, T Posch, N Derlon, T Shabarova, E Morgenroth, ...
PLoS One 9 (11), e111794, 2014
Antibiotic effects of three strains of chrysophytes (Ochromonas, Poterioochromonas) on freshwater bacterial isolates
JF Blom, J Pernthaler
FEMS microbiology ecology 71 (2), 281-290, 2009
Aggregate formation in a freshwater bacterial strain induced by growth state and conspecific chemical cues
JF Blom, K Horňák, K Šimek, J Pernthaler
Environmental Microbiology 12 (9), 2486-2495, 2010
Scent of danger: floc formation by a freshwater bacterium is induced by supernatants from a predator-prey coculture
JF Blom, YS Zimmermann, T Ammann, J Pernthaler
Applied and environmental microbiology 76 (18), 6156-6163, 2010
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