shunyi zhang
shunyi zhang
Email yang diverifikasi di wildcats.unh.edu
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Numerical investigation of CP-Ti & Cu110 impact welding using smoothed particle hydrodynamics and arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian methods
A Nassiri, S Zhang, T Lee, T Abke, A Vivek, B Kinsey, G Daehn
Journal of Manufacturing Processes 28, 558-564, 2017
Wave formation in impact welding: Study of the Cu–Ti system
T Lee, S Zhang, A Vivek, G Daehn, B Kinsey
CIRP Annals 68 (1), 261-264, 2019
Flyer thickness effect in the impact welding of aluminum to steel
T Lee, S Zhang, A Vivek, B Kinsey, G Daehn
Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 140 (12), 121002, 2018
Effect of process parameters on wavy interfacial morphology during magnetic pulse welding
S Zhang, J Lueg-Althoff, M Hahn, AE Tekkaya, B Kinsey
Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 143 (1), 011010, 2021
Semi-analytical modelling with numerical and experimental validation of electromagnetic forming using a uniform pressure actuator
B Kinsey, S Zhang, YP Korkolis
CIRP Annals 67 (1), 285-288, 2018
Influence of material properties on interfacial morphology during magnetic pulse welding of al1100 to copper alloys and commercially pure titanium
S Zhang, BL Kinsey
Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing 5 (2), 64, 2021
Numerical model and experimental investigation of electromagnetic tube compression with field shaper
S Zhang, A Nassiri, B Kinsey
Procedia Manufacturing 26, 537-542, 2018
Numerical modeling of high-velocity impact welding
A Nassiri, S Zhang, T Abke, A Vivek, B Kinsey, G Daehn
Proceedings of the 3rd Pan American Materials Congress, 83-93, 2017
Numerical investigation of CP-Ti & Cu110 impact welding using smoothed particle hydrodynamics and arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian methods. J Manuf Process 28: 558–564
A Nassiri, S Zhang, T Lee, T Abke, A Vivek, B Kinsey, G Daehn
Analytical and numerical investigation of tube compression with a multi-Turn, axisymmetric coil
A Nassiri, S Zhang, K Reisert, B Kinsey
HIGH SPEED FORMING 2016, 91, 2016
An accelerated analytical method for predicting workpiece velocity and displacement during electromagnetic forming
A Nassiri, S Zhang, B Kinsey
Journal of Manufacturing Processes 82, 64-77, 2022
Importance of electrical and physical contact in electromagnetic forming simulations
S Zhang, B Kinsey
Procedia Manufacturing 34, 133-138, 2019
Interfacial morphology prediction of impact welding by Eulerian method
S Zhang, B Kinsey
Universitätsbibliothek Dortmund, 2018
Investigation of Parameter Effects on Impact Welding and Modelling of Process
S Zhang
University of New Hampshire, 2021
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