Jaume Vergés
Jaume Vergés
Research Professor, Geosciences Barcelona, Geo3Bcn, CSIC (previous Inst. Earth Sciences J. Almera)
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Building the Zagros collisional orogen: timing, strain distribution and the dynamics of Arabia/Eurasia plate convergence
F Mouthereau, O Lacombe, J Vergés
Tectonophysics 532, 27-60, 2012
Catastrophic flood of the Mediterranean after the Messinian salinity crisis
D García-Castellanos, F Estrada, I Jimenez-Munt, C Gorini, M Fernandez, ...
Nature 462 (7274), 778-781, 2009
The Pyrenean orogen: pre-, syn-, and post-collisional evolution
J Vergés, M Fernàndez, A Martìnez
Journal of the Virtual Explorer 8, 55-74, 2002
Magnetostratigraphy of Miocene–Pliocene Zagros foreland deposits in the front of the Push-e Kush arc (Lurestan Province, Iran)
S Homke, J Vergés, M Garcés, H Emami, R Karpuz
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 225 (3-4), 397-410, 2004
Thrusting and foreland basin evolution in the southern Pyrenees
C Puigdefàbregas, JA Muñoz, J Vergés
Thrust tectonics, 247-254, 1992
Interplay between tectonics, climate and fluvial transport during the Cenozoic evolution of the Ebro Basin (NE Iberia)
D Garcia-Castellanos, J Vergés, J Gaspar-Escribano, S Cloetingh
Journal of Geophysical Research 108 (B7), 2347, 2003
Eastern Pyrenees and related foreland basins: pre-, syn-and post-collisional crustal-scale cross-sections
J Vergés, H Millán, E Roca, JA Muñoz, M Marzo, J Cirés, T Den Bezemer, ...
Marine and Petroleum geology 12 (8), 903-915, 1995
Tethys–Atlantic interaction along the Iberia–Africa plate boundary: The Betic–Rif orogenic system
J Vergés, M Fernàndez
Tectonophysics 579, 144-172, 2012
Bed-by-bed fold growth by kink-band migration: Sant Llorenç de Morunys, eastern Pyrenees
J Suppe, F Sàbat, JA Munoz, J Poblet, E Roca, J Vergés
Journal of Structural Geology 19 (3-4), 443-461, 1997
Lithosphere structure underneath the Tibetan plateau inferred from elevation, gravity and geoid anomalies
I Jiménez-Munt, M Fernàndez, J Vergés, JP Platt
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 267 (1), 276-289, 2008
Crustal-scale cross-sections across the NW Zagros belt: implications for the Arabian margin reconstruction
J Vergés, E Saura, E Casciello, M Fernàndez, A Villasenor, ...
Geological Magazine 148 (5-6), 739-761, 2011
Late Cretaceous–Paleocene formation of the proto–Zagros foreland basin, Lurestan Province, SW Iran
S Homke, J Vergés, J Serra-Kiel, G Bernaola, I Sharp, M Garcés, ...
Geological Society of America Bulletin 121 (7-8), 963-978, 2009
Progressive evolution of a fault-related fold pair from growth strata geometries, Sant Llorenç de Morunys, SE Pyrenees
M Ford, EA Williams, A Artoni, J Vergés, S Hardy
Journal of Structural Geology 19 (3), 413-441, 1997
THE PARSIFAL TEAM (2003): Mapping active faults offshore Portugal (36 N–38 N): implications for seismic hazard assessment along the southwest Iberian margin
E Gràcia, J Dañobeitia, J Vergés
Geology 31 (1), 83-86, 2003
Stratigraphic architecture and fracture-controlled dolomitization of the Cretaceous Khami and Bangestan groups: an outcrop case study, Zagros Mountains, Iran
I Sharp, P Gillespie, D Morsalnezhad, C Taberner, R Karpuz, J Vergés, ...
Thrust sequences in the southern central Pyrenees
J Vergés, JA Muñoz
Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France 8 (6), 265-271, 1990
Crustal architecture and tectonic evolution of the Gulf of Cadiz (SW Iberian margin) at the convergence of the Eurasian and African plates
E Gracia, J Danobeitia, J Vergés, R Bartolomé, D Córdoba
Tectonics 22 (4), 1033, 2003
Structural evolution of the Kopeh Dagh fold-and-thrust belt (NE Iran) and interactions with the South Caspian Sea Basin and Amu Darya Basin
AMM Robert, J Letouzey, MA Kavoosi, S Sherkati, C Müller, J Vergés, ...
Marine and Petroleum Geology 57, 68-87, 2014
Mesozoic evolution and Cainozoic inversion of the Pyrenean rift
J Vergés, J García-Senz
Mémoires du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle (1993) 186, 187-212, 2001
Coeval hindward-and forward-imbricating thrusting in the south-central Pyrenees, Spain: Timing and rates of shortening and deposition
Geological Society of America Bulletin 104 (1), 3-17, 1992
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