Andrea Cattaneo
Andrea Cattaneo
Senior Economist - Food Security and Climate Change (FAO)
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Climate-smart agriculture for food security
L Lipper, P Thornton, BM Campbell, T Baedeker, A Braimoh, M Bwalya, ...
Nature climate change 4 (12), 1068-1072, 2014
Updating and estimating a social accounting matrix using cross entropy methods
S Robinson, A Cattaneo, M El-Said
Economic Systems Research 13 (1), 47-64, 2001
The end of deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon
D Nepstad, BS Soares-Filho, F Merry, A Lima, P Moutinho, J Carter, ...
Science 326 (5958), 1350-1351, 2009
Cost-effective design of agri-environmental payment programs: US experience in theory and practice
R Claassen, A Cattaneo, R Johansson
Ecological economics 65 (4), 737-752, 2008
Adoption and intensity of adoption of conservation farming practices in Zambia
A Arslan, N McCarthy, L Lipper, S Asfaw, A Cattaneo
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 187, 72-86, 2014
Climate-smart agriculture global research agenda: scientific basis for action
KL Steenwerth, AK Hodson, AJ Bloom, MR Carter, A Cattaneo, ...
Agriculture & Food Security 3, 1-39, 2014
Climate smart agriculture? Assessing the adaptation implications in Zambia
A Arslan, N McCarthy, L Lipper, S Asfaw, A Cattaneo, M Kokwe
Journal of Agricultural Economics 66 (3), 753-780, 2015
Rigorous monitoring is necessary to guide food system transformation in the countdown to the 2030 global goals
J Fanzo, L Haddad, KR Schneider, C Béné, NM Covic, A Guarin, ...
Food Policy 104, 102163, 2021
Indigenous lands, protected areas, and slowing climate change
TH Ricketts, B Soares-Filho, GAB da Fonseca, D Nepstad, A Pfaff, ...
PLoS biology 8 (3), e1000331, 2010
Reducing food loss and waste: Five challenges for policy and research
A Cattaneo, MV Sánchez, M Torero, R Vos
Food Policy 98, 101974, 2021
Agri-environmental policy at the crossroads: guideposts on a changing landscape
R Claassen, LR Hansen, M Peters, M Weinberg, VE Breneman, ...
Economic Research Service Agricultural Economic Report No.(AER-794) 72, 2001
Food security and trade negotiations in the World Trade Organization: A cluster analysis of country groups
E Diaz-Bonilla, M Thomas, S Robinson, A Cattaneo
International Food Policy Research Institute, 2000
Estimating a social accounting matrix using cross entropy methods
S Robinson, A Cattaneo, M El-Said
Managing climate change risks in Africa-A global perspective
AA Adenle, JD Ford, J Morton, S Twomlow, K Alverson, A Cattaneo, ...
Ecological Economics 141, 190-201, 2017
Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon: comparing the impacts of macroeconomic shocks, land tenure, and technological change
A Cattaneo
Land Economics 77 (2), 219-240, 2001
Global mapping of urban–rural catchment areas reveals unequal access to services
A Cattaneo, A Nelson, T McMenomy
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (2), e2011990118, 2021
Climate change, agriculture and food security: impacts and the potential for adaptation and mitigation
K Wiebe, S Robinson, A Cattaneo
Sustainable food and agriculture, 55-74, 2019
Comparing climate and cost impacts of reference levels for reducing emissions fromdeforestation
J Busch, B Strassburg, A Cattaneo, R Lubowski, A Bruner, R Rice, ...
Environmental Research Letters 4 (4), 044006, 2009
Economic and social development along the urban–rural continuum: New opportunities to inform policy
A Cattaneo, A Adukia, DL Brown, L Christiaensen, DK Evans, ...
World Development 157, 105941, 2022
What determines farmers’ adaptive capacity? Empirical evidence from Malawi
S Asfaw, N McCarthy, L Lipper, A Arslan, A Cattaneo
Food Security 8 (3), 643-664, 2016
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