Julien Zollinger
Julien Zollinger
Université de Lorraine, Institut Jean Lamour
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Grain refinement by low boron additions in niobium-rich TiAl-based alloys
U Hecht, V Witusiewicz, A Drevermann, J Zollinger
Intermetallics 16 (8), 969-978, 2008
Influence of oxygen on solidification behaviour of cast TiAl-based alloys
J Zollinger, J Lapin, D Daloz, H Combeau
Intermetallics 15 (10), 1343-1350, 2007
The Al–B–Nb–Ti system: V. thermodynamic description of the ternary system Al–B–Ti
VT Witusiewicz, AA Bondar, U Hecht, J Zollinger, LV Artyukh, ...
Journal of alloys and compounds 474 (1-2), 86-104, 2009
Microsegregation, macrosegregation and related phase transformations in TiAl alloys
D Daloz, U Hecht, J Zollinger, H Combeau, A Hazotte, M Založnik
Intermetallics 19 (6), 749-756, 2011
Microstructure evolution of diffusion welded 304L/Zircaloy4 with copper interlayer
D Aboudi, S Lebaili, M Taouinet, J Zollinger
Materials & Design 116, 386-394, 2017
Effects of the powder, laser parameters and surface conditions on the molten pool formation in the selective laser melting of IN718
Y Li, M Založnik, J Zollinger, L Dembinski, A Mathieu
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 289, 116930, 2021
TiAl–Nb melt interaction with AlN refractory crucibles
AV Kartavykh, VV Tcherdyntsev, J Zollinger
Materials Chemistry and Physics 116 (1), 300-304, 2009
Experimental study and thermodynamic re-assessment of the binary Al–Ta system
VT Witusiewicz, AA Bondar, U Hecht, J Zollinger, VM Petyukh, ...
Intermetallics 18 (1), 92-106, 2010
Solidification of metallic alloys: Does the structure of the liquid matter
M Rappaz, P Jarry, G Kurtuldu, J Zollinger
Metall. Mater. Trans. A 51, 2651–2664, 2020
New insights into the origin of fine equiaxed microstructures in additively manufactured Inconel 718
I Cazic, J Zollinger, S Mathieu, M El Kandaoui, P Plapper, B Appolaire
Scripta Materialia 195, 113740, 2021
σ-Phase Formation in Super Austenitic Stainless Steel During Directional Solidification and Subsequent Phase Transformations
R Marin, H Combeau, J Zollinger, M Dehmas, B Rouat, A Lamontagne, ...
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 51, 3526-3534, 2020
Interplay between α (Ti) nucleation and growth during peritectic solidification investigated by phase-fieldsimulations
J Eiken, M Apel, VT Witusiewicz, J Zollinger, U Hecht
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 21 (46), 464104, 2009
TiAl–Nb melt interaction with pyrolytic boron nitride crucibles
AV Kartavykh, VV Tcherdyntsev, J Zollinger
Materials Chemistry and Physics 119 (3), 347-350, 2010
Properties of nanocrystalline and nanocomposite WxZr1− x thin films deposited by co-sputtering
D Horwat, M Dehmas, E Aubry, J Zollinger, S Migot, JF Pierson
Intermetallics 17 (6), 421-426, 2009
Modelling of delta ferrite to austenite phase transformation kinetics in martensitic steels: application to rapid cooling in additive manufacturing
F Villaret, X Boulnat, P Aubry, J Zollinger, D Fabrègue, Y de Carlan
Materialia 18, 101157, 2021
Modeling of hierarchical solidification microstructures in metal additive manufacturing: Challenges and opportunities
RA Supriyo Ghosh, J. Zollinger, Miha Založnik, Dilip Kumar Banerjee ...
Additive Manufacturing 78, 103845, 2023
Columnar dendritic solidification of TiAl under diffusive and hypergravity conditions investigated by phase-field simulations
A Viardin, J Zollinger, L Sturz, M Apel, J Eiken, R Berger, U Hecht
Computational Materials Science 172, 109358, 2020
Influence of Ir Additions and Icosahedral Short Range Order (ISRO) on Nucleation and Growth Kinetics in Au-20.5 Wt Pct Cu-4.5 Wt PctAg Alloy
J Zollinger, B Rouat, J Guyon, SK Pillai, M Rappaz
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 50 (5), 2279-2288, 2019
Enhanced dendrite fragmentation through the peritectic reaction in TiAl-based alloys
NT Reilly, B Rouat, G Martin, D Daloz, J Zollinger
Intermetallics 86, 126-133, 2017
Grain refinement of TiAl alloys by isomorphic self-inoculation
JR Kennedy, D Daloz, B Rouat, E Bouzy, J Zollinger
Intermetallics 95, 89-93, 2018
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