Olivier Castelnau
Olivier Castelnau
CNRS Paris, France
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Orientation image-based micromechanical modelling of subgrain texture evolution in polycrystalline copper
RA Lebensohn, R Brenner, O Castelnau, AD Rollett
Acta Materialia 56 (15), 3914-3926, 2008
Dynamic recrystallization and texture development in ice as revealed by the study of deep ice cores in Antarctica and Greenland
S De La Chapelle, O Castelnau, V Lipenkov, P Duval
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 103 (B3), 5091-5105, 1998
Viscoplastic modeling of texture development in polycrystalline ice with a self‐consistent approach: Comparison with bound estimates
O Castelnau, P Duval, RA Lebensohn, GR Canova
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 101 (B6), 13851-13868, 1996
Dynamic recrystallization of ice in polar ice sheets
P Duval, O Castelnau
Le Journal de Physique IV 5 (C3), C3-197-C3-205, 1995
Influence of beam diameter on Laser Powder Bed Fusion (L-PBF) process
MC Sow, T De Terris, O Castelnau, Z Hamouche, F Coste, R Fabbro, ...
Additive Manufacturing 36, 101532, 2020
Additive layer manufacturing of titanium matrix composites using the direct metal deposition laser process
S Pouzet, P Peyre, C Gorny, O Castelnau, T Baudin, F Brisset, C Colin, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 677, 171-181, 2016
Grain to grain slip activity in plastically deformed Zr determined by X-ray micro-diffraction line profile analysis
T Ungár, O Castelnau, G Ribárik, M Drakopoulos, JL Béchade, ...
Acta materialia 55 (3), 1117-1127, 2007
Elastic anisotropy and yield surface estimates of polycrystals
R Brenner, RA Lebensohn, O Castelnau
International Journal of Solids and Structures 46 (16), 3018-3026, 2009
Experimental characterization of the intragranular strain field in columnar ice during transient creep
F Grennerat, M Montagnat, O Castelnau, P Vacher, H Moulinec, P Suquet, ...
Acta Materialia 60 (8), 3655-3666, 2012
Multiscale modeling of ice deformation behavior
M Montagnat, O Castelnau, PD Bons, SH Faria, O Gagliardini, ...
Journal of Structural Geology 61, 78-108, 2014
Micromechanical modeling of the viscoplastic behavior of olivine
O Castelnau, DK Blackman, RA Lebensohn, P Ponte Castañeda
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 113 (B9), 2008
Multi-scale modeling of the mechanical behavior of polycrystalline ice under transient creep
P Suquet, H Moulinec, O Castelnau, M Montagnat, N Lahellec, ...
Procedia IUTAM 3, 76-90, 2012
A user-friendly anisotropic flow law for ice-sheet modeling
F Gillet-Chaulet, O Gagliardini, J Meyssonnier, M Montagnat, O Castelnau
Journal of glaciology 51 (172), 3-14, 2005
Modelling viscoplastic behavior of anisotropic polycrystalline ice with a self-consistent approach
O Castelnau, GR Canova, RA Lebensohn, P Duval
Acta materialia 45 (11), 4823-4834, 1997
Full-field vs. homogenization methods to predict microstructure–property relations for polycrystalline materials
RA Lebensohn, PP Castañeda, R Brenner, O Castelnau
Computational methods for microstructure-property relationships, 393-441, 2011
Study of the antiplane deformation of linear 2-D polycrystals with different microstructures
RA Lebensohn, O Castelnau, R Brenner, P Gilormini
International journal of solids and structures 42 (20), 5441-5459, 2005
A “quasi-elastic” affine formulation for the homogenised behaviour of nonlinear viscoelastic polycrystals and composites
R Brenner, R Masson, O Castelnau, A Zaoui
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 21 (6), 943-960, 2002
Modeling the mechanical response of polycrystals deforming by climb and glide
RA Lebensohn, CS Hartley, CN Tomé, O Castelnau
Philosophical Magazine 90 (5), 567-583, 2010
Compressive creep of ice containing a liquid intergranular phase: Rate‐controlling processes in the dislocation creep regime
S De La Chapelle, H Milsch, O Castelnau, P Duval
Geophysical Research Letters 26 (2), 251-254, 1999
Anisotropic behavior of GRIP ices and flow in Central Greenland
O Castelnau, H Shoji, A Mangeney, H Milsch, P Duval, A Miyamoto, ...
Earth and planetary science letters 154 (1-4), 307-322, 1998
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