Aaron Arehart
Aaron Arehart
Assistant Research Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The Ohio State University
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Deep level defects throughout the bandgap of (010) β-Ga2O3 detected by optically and thermally stimulated defect spectroscopy
Z Zhang, E Farzana, AR Arehart, SA Ringel
Applied Physics Letters 108 (5), 2016
β-Gallium oxide power electronics
AJ Green, J Speck, G Xing, P Moens, F Allerstam, K Gumaelius, T Neyer, ...
Apl Materials 10 (2), 2022
Modulation-doped β-(Al0. 2Ga0. 8) 2O3/Ga2O3 field-effect transistor
S Krishnamoorthy, Z Xia, C Joishi, Y Zhang, J McGlone, J Johnson, ...
Applied Physics Letters 111 (2), 2017
Impact of carbon on trap states in n-type GaN grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition
A Armstrong, AR Arehart, B Moran, SP DenBaars, UK Mishra, JS Speck, ...
Applied Physics Letters 84 (3), 374-376, 2004
Influence of metal choice on (010) β-Ga2O3 Schottky diode properties
E Farzana, Z Zhang, PK Paul, AR Arehart, SA Ringel
Applied Physics Letters 110 (20), 2017
Impact of deep levels on the electrical conductivity and luminescence of gallium nitride codoped with carbon and silicon
A Armstrong, AR Arehart, D Green, UK Mishra, JS Speck, SA Ringel
Journal of Applied physics 98 (5), 2005
-Ga2O3 Delta-Doped Field-Effect Transistors With Current Gain Cutoff Frequency of 27 GHz
Z Xia, H Xue, C Joishi, J Mcglone, NK Kalarickal, SH Sohel, M Brenner, ...
IEEE Electron Device Letters 40 (7), 1052-1055, 2019
Metal/BaTiO3/β-Ga2O3 dielectric heterojunction diode with 5.7 MV/cm breakdown field
Z Xia, H Chandrasekar, W Moore, C Wang, AJ Lee, J McGlone, ...
Applied Physics Letters 115 (25), 2019
Unusual Formation of Point-Defect Complexes in the Ultrawide-Band-Gap Semiconductor
JM Johnson, Z Chen, JB Varley, CM Jackson, E Farzana, Z Zhang, ...
Physical Review X 9 (4), 041027, 2019
Effect of threading dislocation density on Ni∕ n-GaN Schottky diode IV characteristics
AR Arehart, B Moran, JS Speck, UK Mishra, SP DenBaars, SA Ringel
Journal of applied physics 100 (2), 2006
Deep level defects in Ge-doped (010) β-Ga2O3 layers grown by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy
E Farzana, E Ahmadi, JS Speck, AR Arehart, SA Ringel
Journal of Applied Physics 123 (16), 2018
Impact of deep level defects induced by high energy neutron radiation in β-Ga2O3
E Farzana, MF Chaiken, TE Blue, AR Arehart, SA Ringel
Apl Materials 7 (2), 2019
Spatially-resolved spectroscopic measurements of Ec− 0.57 eV traps in AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors
DW Cardwell, A Sasikumar, AR Arehart, SW Kaun, J Lu, S Keller, ...
Applied Physics Letters 102 (19), 2013
Probing Charge Transport and Background Doping in Metal‐Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition‐Grown (010) β‐Ga2O3
Z Feng, AFMAU Bhuiyan, Z Xia, W Moore, Z Chen, JF McGlone, ...
physica status solidi (RRL)–Rapid Research Letters 14 (8), 2000145, 2020
Effects of applied bias and high field stress on the radiation response of GaN/AlGaN HEMTs
J Chen, YS Puzyrev, R Jiang, EX Zhang, MW McCurdy, DM Fleetwood, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 62 (6), 2423-2430, 2015
Breakdown Characteristics of -(Al0.22Ga0.78)2O3/Ga2O3 Field-Plated Modulation-Doped Field-Effect Transistors
C Joishi, Y Zhang, Z Xia, W Sun, AR Arehart, S Ringel, S Lodha, S Rajan
IEEE Electron Device Letters 40 (8), 1241-1244, 2019
Trapping Effects in Si-Doped-Ga2O3MESFETs on an Fe-Doped-Ga2O3Substrate
JF McGlone, Z Xia, Y Zhang, C Joishi, S Lodha, S Rajan, SA Ringel, ...
IEEE Electron Device Letters 39 (7), 1042-1045, 2018
Deep level optical and thermal spectroscopy of traps in n-GaN grown by ammonia molecular beam epitaxy
AR Arehart, A Corrion, C Poblenz, JS Speck, UK Mishra, SA Ringel
Applied Physics Letters 93 (11), 2008
Evaluation of Low-Temperature Saturation Velocity in -(AlxGa1–x)2O3/Ga2O3 Modulation-Doped Field-Effect Transistors
Y Zhang, Z Xia, J Mcglone, W Sun, C Joishi, AR Arehart, SA Ringel, ...
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 66 (3), 1574-1578, 2019
High electron density β-(Al0. 17Ga0. 83) 2O3/Ga2O3 modulation doping using an ultra-thin (1 nm) spacer layer
NK Kalarickal, Z Xia, JF McGlone, Y Liu, W Moore, AR Arehart, SA Ringel, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 127 (21), 2020
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