Ellen Moons
Ellen Moons
Karlstad University
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Self-organized discotic liquid crystals for high-efficiency organic photovoltaics
L Schmidt-Mende, A Fechtenkotter, K Mullen, E Moons, RH Friend, ...
Science 293 (5532), 1119-1122, 2001
Influence of solvent mixing on the morphology and performance of solar cells based on polyfluorene copolymer/fullerene blends
F Zhang, KG Jespersen, C Björström, M Svensson, MR Andersson, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 16 (5), 667-674, 2006
Morphology and phase segregation of spin-casted films of polyfluorene/PCBM blends
S Nilsson, A Bernasik, A Budkowski, E Moons
Macromolecules 40 (23), 8291-8301, 2007
Barrier‐free electron–hole capture in polymer blend heterojunction light‐emitting diodes
AC Morteani, AS Dhoot, JS Kim, C Silva, NC Greenham, C Murphy, ...
Advanced Materials 15 (20), 1708-1712, 2003
Conjugated polymer blends: linking film morphology to performance of lightemitting diodes and photodiodes
E Moons
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 14 (47), 12235, 2002
Kelvin probe and ultraviolet photoemission measurements of indium tin oxide work function: a comparison
JS Kim, B Lägel, E Moons, N Johansson, ID Baikie, WR Salaneck, ...
Synthetic metals 111, 311-314, 2000
A technique to compare polythiophene solid-state dye sensitized TiO2 solar cells to liquid junction devices
GP Smestad, S Spiekermann, J Kowalik, CD Grant, AM Schwartzberg, ...
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 76 (1), 85-105, 2003
Over 14% efficiency all-polymer solar cells enabled by a low bandgap polymer acceptor with low energy loss and efficient charge separation
Q Fan, Q An, Y Lin, Y Xia, Q Li, M Zhang, W Su, W Peng, C Zhang, F Liu, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 13 (12), 5017-5027, 2020
Self-assembled monolayers as interfaces for organic opto-electronic devices
L Zuppiroli, L Si-Ahmed, K Kamaras, F Nüesch, MN Bussac, D Ades, ...
The European Physical Journal B-Condensed Matter and Complex Systems 11, 505-512, 1999
Multilayer formation in spin-coated thin films of low-bandgap polyfluorene: PCBMblends
CM Björström, A Bernasik, J Rysz, A Budkowski, S Nilsson, M Svensson, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 17 (50), L529, 2005
Brodie vs Hummers graphite oxides for preparation of multi-layered materials
AV Talyzin, G Mercier, A Klechikov, M Hedenström, D Johnels, D Wei, ...
Carbon 115, 430-440, 2017
Vertical phase separation in spin-coated films of a low bandgap polyfluorene/PCBM blend—effects of specific substrate interaction
CM Björström, S Nilsson, A Bernasik, A Budkowski, M Andersson, ...
Applied Surface Science 253 (8), 3906-3912, 2007
Hybrid inorganic− organic core− shell nanoparticles from surface-functionalized titanium, zirconium, and vanadium oxo clusters
G Kickelbick, D Holzinger, C Brick, G Trimmel, E Moons
Chemistry of materials 14 (10), 4382-4389, 2002
Polar ligand adsorption controls semiconductor surface potentials
M Bruening, E Moons, D Yaron-Marcovich, D Cahen, J Libman, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 116 (7), 2972-2977, 1994
Phase behaviour of liquid-crystalline polymer/fullerene organic photovoltaic blends: thermal stability and miscibility
C Müller, J Bergqvist, K Vandewal, K Tvingstedt, AS Anselmo, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry 21 (29), 10676-10684, 2011
The dependence of electron transfer efficiency on the conformational order in organic monolayers
A Haran, DH Waldeck, R Naaman, E Moons, D Cahen
Science 263 (5149), 948-950, 1994
Efficient wide-bandgap mixed-cation and mixed-halide perovskite solar cells by vacuum deposition
L Gil-Escrig, C Dreessen, F Palazon, Z Hawash, E Moons, S Albrecht, ...
ACS energy letters 6 (2), 827-836, 2021
Voc from a Morphology Point of View: the Influence of Molecular Orientation on the Open Circuit Voltage of Organic Planar Heterojunction Solar Cells
U Hörmann, C Lorch, A Hinderhofer, A Gerlach, M Gruber, J Kraus, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118 (46), 26462-26470, 2014
Controlling the work function of CdSe by chemisorption of benzoic acid derivatives and chemical etching
M Bruening, E Moons, D Cahen, A Shanzer
The Journal of Physical Chemistry 99 (20), 8368-8373, 1995
Band diagram of the polycrystalline CdS/Cu(In,Ga)Se2 heterojunction
L Kronik, L Burstein, M Leibovitch, Y Shapira, D Gal, E Moons, J Beier, ...
Applied Physics Letters 67 (10), 1405-1407, 1995
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