Andreas Rosenauer
Andreas Rosenauer
Professor for experimental phyics, University of Bremen
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Use of a rapid cytotoxicity screening approach to engineer a safer zinc oxide nanoparticle through iron doping
S George, S Pokhrel, T Xia, B Gilbert, Z Ji, M Schowalter, A Rosenauer, ...
ACS nano 4 (1), 15-29, 2010
Atomic electric fields revealed by a quantum mechanical approach to electron picodiffraction
K Müller, FF Krause, A Béché, M Schowalter, V Galioit, S Löffler, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 5653, 2014
Measurement of specimen thickness and composition in AlxGa1-xN/GaN using high-angle annular dark field images
A Rosenauer, K Gries, K Müller, A Pretorius, M Schowalter, A Avramescu, ...
Ultramicroscopy 109 (9), 1171-1182, 2009
Composition mapping in InGaN by scanning transmission electron microscopy
A Rosenauer, T Mehrtens, K Müller, K Gries, M Schowalter, PV Satyam, ...
Ultramicroscopy 111 (8), 1316-1327, 2011
Gain studies of (Cd, Zn) Se quantum islands in a ZnSe matrix
M Strassburg, V Kutzer, UW Pohl, A Hoffmann, I Broser, NN Ledentsov, ...
Applied physics letters 72 (8), 942-944, 1998
Tin-Assisted Synthesis of by Molecular Beam Epitaxy
M Kracht, A Karg, J Schörmann, M Weinhold, D Zink, F Michel, M Rohnke, ...
Physical Review Applied 8 (5), 054002, 2017
Digital analysis of high-resolution transmission electron microscopy lattice images
A Rosenauer
Optik 102, 63-69, 1996
Extracting quantitative information from high resolution electron microscopy
S Kret, P Ruterana, A Rosenauer, D Gerthsen
physica status solidi (b) 227 (1), 247-295, 2001
Procedure to count atoms with trustworthy single-atom sensitivity
S Van Aert, A De Backer, GT Martinez, B Goris, S Bals, G Van Tendeloo, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (6), 064107, 2013
Structural and chemical analysis of CdSe/ZnSe nanostructures by transmission electron microscopy
N Peranio, A Rosenauer, D Gerthsen, SV Sorokin, IV Sedova, SV Ivanov
Physical Review B 61 (23), 16015, 2000
Entropy-limited topological protection of skyrmions
J Wild, TNG Meier, S Pöllath, M Kronseder, A Bauer, A Chacon, M Halder, ...
Science advances 3 (9), e1701704, 2017
STEMSIM—a new software tool for simulation of STEM HAADF Z-contrast imaging
A Rosenauer, M Schowalter
Microscopy of semiconducting materials 2007, 170-172, 2008
Measurement of atomic electric fields and charge densities from average momentum transfers using scanning transmission electron microscopy
K Müller-Caspary, FF Krause, T Grieb, S Löffler, M Schowalter, A Béché, ...
Ultramicroscopy 178, 62-80, 2017
Protein adsorption on colloidal alumina particles functionalized with amino, carboxyl, sulfonate and phosphate groups
F Meder, T Daberkow, L Treccani, M Wilhelm, M Schowalter, ...
Acta biomaterialia 8 (3), 1221-1229, 2012
A pnCCD-based, fast direct single electron imaging camera for TEM and STEM
H Ryll, M Simson, R Hartmann, P Holl, M Huth, S Ihle, Y Kondo, P Kotula, ...
Journal of Instrumentation 11 (04), P04006, 2016
Quantification of segregation and mass transport in In x Ga 1− x A s/G a A s Stranski-Krastanow layers
A Rosenauer, D Gerthsen, D Van Dyck, M Arzberger, G Böhm, ...
Physical Review B 64 (24), 245334, 2001
Composition fluctuations in InGaN analyzed by transmission electron microscopy
D Gerthsen, E Hahn, B Neubauer, A Rosenauer, O Schön, M Heuken, ...
physica status solidi (a) 177 (1), 145-155, 2000
Atom counting in HAADF STEM using a statistical model-based approach: Methodology, possibilities, and inherent limitations
A De Backer, GT Martinez, A Rosenauer, S Van Aert
Ultramicroscopy 134, 23-33, 2013
Investigations on the Stranski–Krastanow growth of CdSe quantum dots
D Schikora, S Schwedhelm, DJ As, K Lischka, D Litvinov, A Rosenauer, ...
Applied Physics Letters 76 (4), 418-420, 2000
Transmission electron microscopy of semiconductor nanostructures: an analysis of composition and strain state
A Rosenauer
Springer Science & Business Media, 2003
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