Rule based expert systems: the mycin experiments of the stanford heuristic programming project (the Addison-Wesley series in artificial intelligence) BG Buchanan, EH Shortliffe Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc., 1984 | 8102* | 1984 |
A simple algorithm for identifying negated findings and diseases in discharge summaries WW Chapman, W Bridewell, P Hanbury, GF Cooper, BG Buchanan Journal of biomedical informatics 34 (5), 301-310, 2001 | 1244 | 2001 |
Production rules as a representation for a knowledge-based consultation program R Davis, B Buchanan, E Shortliffe Artificial intelligence 8 (1), 15-45, 1977 | 1013 | 1977 |
A (very) brief history of artificial intelligence BG Buchanan Ai Magazine 26 (4), 53-53, 2005 | 1003 | 2005 |
Applications of artificial intelligence for organic chemistry: the DENDRAL project RK Lindsay (No Title), 1980 | 913 | 1980 |
DENDRAL and Meta-DENDRAL: Their applications dimension BG Buchanan, EA Feigenbaum Readings in artificial intelligence, 313-322, 1981 | 873 | 1981 |
Constructing an expert system BG Buchanan Building expert systems, 127-167, 1983 | 695 | 1983 |
Government managers, business executives, and organizational commitment B Buchanan Public administration review, 339-347, 1974 | 637 | 1974 |
Computer-based consultations in clinical therapeutics: explanation and rule acquisition capabilities of the MYCIN system EH Shortliffe, R Davis, SG Axline, BG Buchanan, CC Green, SN Cohen Computers and biomedical research 8 (4), 303-320, 1975 | 630 | 1975 |
Knowledge engineering for medical decision making: A review of computer-based clinical decision aids EH Shortliffe, BG Buchanan, EA Feigenbaum Proceedings of the IEEE 67 (9), 1207-1224, 1979 | 509 | 1979 |
Physicians' information needs: analysis of questions posed during clinical teaching JA Osheroff, DE Forsythe, BG Buchanan, RA Bankowitz, BH Blumenfeld, ... Annals of internal medicine 114 (7), 576-581, 1991 | 500 | 1991 |
On generality and problem solving: A case study using the DENDRAL program EA Feigenbaum, BG Buchanan, J Lederberg | 500 | 1970 |
Readings in medical artificial intelligence: the first decade WJ Clancey, EH Shortliffe Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc., 1984 | 493 | 1984 |
Heuristic DENDRAL: A program for generating explanatory hypotheses B Buchanan, G Sutherland, EA Feigenbaum Organic Chemistry, 30, 1969 | 479 | 1969 |
Antimicrobial selection by a computer. A blinded evaluation by infectious diseases experts. VL Yu, LM Fagan, SM Wraith, WJ Clancey, AC Scott, J Hannigan, ... Jama 242 (12), 1279-1282, 1979 | 461 | 1979 |
DENDRAL: a case study of the first expert system for scientific hypothesis formation RK Lindsay, BG Buchanan, EA Feigenbaum, J Lederberg Artificial intelligence 61 (2), 209-261, 1993 | 407 | 1993 |
Principles of rule-based expert systems BG Buchanan, RO Duda Advances in computers 22, 163-216, 1983 | 379 | 1983 |
Model-directed learning of production rules BG Buchanan, TM Mitchell Pattern-directed inference systems, 297-312, 1978 | 332 | 1978 |
Some speculation about artificial intelligence and legal reasoning BG Buchanan, TE Headrick Stan. L. Rev. 23, 40, 1970 | 326 | 1970 |
Expanding the concept of medical information: an observational study of physicians' information needs DE Forsythe, BG Buchanan, JA Osheroff, RA Miller Computers and Biomedical Research 25 (2), 181-200, 1992 | 305 | 1992 |