Xinwei Guan
Xinwei Guan
Email yang diverifikasi di kaust.edu.sa
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All-inorganic perovskite nanocrystal scintillators
Q Chen, J Wu, X Ou, B Huang, J Almutlaq, AA Zhumekenov, X Guan, ...
Nature 561 (7721), 88-93, 2018
Flexible and efficient perovskite quantum dot solar cells via hybrid interfacial architecture
L Hu, Q Zhao, S Huang, J Zheng, X Guan, R Patterson, J Kim, L Shi, ...
Nature Communications 12 (1), 466, 2021
High-κ perovskite membranes as insulators for two-dimensional transistors
JK Huang, Y Wan, J Shi, J Zhang, Z Wang, W Wang, N Yang, Y Liu, ...
Nature 605 (7909), 262-267, 2022
Light‐responsive ion‐redistribution‐induced resistive switching in hybrid perovskite Schottky junctions
X Guan, W Hu, MA Haque, N Wei, Z Liu, A Chen, T Wu
Advanced Functional Materials 28 (3), 1704665, 2018
Halide perovskites: a new era of solution‐processed electronics
A Younis, CH Lin, X Guan, S Shahrokhi, CY Huang, Y Wang, T He, ...
Advanced Materials 33 (23), 2005000, 2021
Metal oxides as efficient charge transporters in perovskite solar cells
MA Haque, AD Sheikh, X Guan, T Wu
Advanced Energy Materials 7 (20), 1602803, 2017
Recent progress in short‐to long‐wave infrared photodetection using 2D materials and heterostructures
X Guan, X Yu, D Periyanagounder, MR Benzigar, JK Huang, CH Lin, ...
Advanced Optical Materials 9 (4), 2001708, 2021
Recent Advances in Carbon-Based Electrodes for Energy Storage and Conversion
G Kothandam†, G Singh†, X Guan†, JM Lee, K Ramadass, S Joseph, ...
Advanced Science 10 (18), 2301045, 2023
Enhancing the performance of quantum dot light-emitting diodes using room-temperature-processed Ga-doped ZnO nanoparticles as the electron transport layer
S Cao, J Zheng, J Zhao, Z Yang, C Li, X Guan, W Yang, M Shang, T Wu
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 9 (18), 15605-15614, 2017
Hybrid organic–inorganic materials and composites for photoelectrochemical water splitting
S Singh, H Chen, S Shahrokhi, LP Wang, CH Lin, L Hu, X Guan, A Tricoli, ...
ACS Energy Letters 5 (5), 1487-1497, 2020
Advances on emerging materials for flexible supercapacitors: current trends and beyond
MR Benzigar, VDBC Dasireddy, X Guan, T Wu, G Liu
Advanced Functional Materials 30 (40), 2002993, 2020
Nonvolatile multistates memories for high-density data storage
Q Cao, W Lü, XR Wang, X Guan, L Wang, S Yan, T Wu, X Wang
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12 (38), 42449-42471, 2020
Giant optical anisotropy of perovskite nanowire array films
CH Lin, CY Kang, TZ Wu, CL Tsai, CW Sher, X Guan, PT Lee, T Wu, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 30 (14), 1909275, 2020
Quantum dots for photovoltaics: a tale of two materials
L Duan, L Hu, X Guan, CH Lin, D Chu, S Huang, X Liu, J Yuan, T Wu
Advanced Energy Materials 11 (20), 2100354, 2021
Low‐dimensional lead‐free inorganic perovskites for resistive switching with ultralow bias
S Ge, X Guan, Y Wang, CH Lin, Y Cui, Y Huang, X Zhang, R Zhang, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 30 (25), 2002110, 2020
Inorganic halide perovskite quantum dots: a versatile nanomaterial platform for electronic applications
CY Huang, H Li, Y Wu, CH Lin, X Guan, L Hu, J Kim, X Zhu, H Zeng, T Wu
Nano-Micro Letters 15 (1), 16, 2023
Emerging Trends of Carbon-Based Quantum Dots: Nanoarchitectonics and Applications
X Guan, Z Li, X Geng, Z Lei, A Karakoti, T Wu, P Kumar, J Yi, A Vinu
Small 19 (17), e2207181, 2023
Electrode Engineering in Halide Perovskite Electronics: Plenty of Room at the Interfaces
CH Lin, L Hu, X Guan, J Kim, CY Huang, JK Huang, S Singh, T Wu
Advanced Materials, e2108616, 2022
Solution-processed resistive switching memory devices based on hybrid organic–inorganic materials and composites
Y Shan, Z Lyu, X Guan, A Younis, G Yuan, J Wang, S Li, T Wu
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20 (37), 23837-23846, 2018
Multifunctional carbon nitride nanoarchitectures for catalysis
P Kumar, G Singh, X Guan, J Lee, R Bahadur, K Ramadass, P Kumar, ...
Chemical Society Reviews 52 (21), 7602-7664, 2023
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