Mehmet Pamir Atagunduz
Mehmet Pamir Atagunduz
Nama lainnyaPamir Atagunduz
Professor of Internal Medicine
Email yang diverifikasi di marmara.edu.tr
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Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) in Turkey: results of a nationwide multicenter study
M Tunca, H Ozdogan, O Kasapcopur, F Yalcinkaya, E Tutar, R Topaloglu, ...
Medicine (Baltimore) 84 (1), 1-11, 2005
Cytokine storm in COVID-19: pathogenesis and overview of anti-inflammatory agents used in treatment
M Soy, G Keser, P Atagündüz, F Tabak, I Atagündüz, S Kayhan
Clinical rheumatology 39 (7), 2085-2094, 2020
Prevalence of comorbidities and evaluation of their screening in spondyloarthritis: results of the international cross-sectional ASAS-COMOSPA study
A Moltó, A Etcheto, D van der Heijde, R Landewé, F Van den Bosch, ...
Annals of the rheumatic diseases, annrheumdis-2015-208174, 2015
MEFV mutations are increased in Behçet's disease (BD) and are associated with vascular involvement
P Atagunduz, T Ergun, H Direskeneli
Clinical and experimental rheumatology 21 (4; SUPP/30), S35-S37, 2003
HLA–B27–restricted CD8+ T cell response to cartilage‐derived self peptides in ankylosing spondylitis
P Atagunduz, H Appel, W Kuon, P Wu, A Thiel, PM Kloetzel, J Sieper
Arthritis & Rheumatism 52 (3), 892-901, 2005
Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis: a review inspired by the COVID-19 pandemic
M Soy, P Atagündüz, I Atagündüz, GT Sucak
Rheumatology international 41 (1), 7-18, 2021
Monitoring Achilles enthesitis in ankylosing spondylitis during TNF-α antagonist therapy: an ultrasound study
SZ Aydin, O Karadag, E Filippucci, P Atagunduz, A Akdogan, U Kalyoncu, ...
Rheumatology 49 (3), 578-582, 2010
Elevated hepatic lipase activity and low levels of high density lipoprotein in a normotriglyceridemic, nonobese Turkish population
TP Bersot, GL Vega, SM Grundy, KE Palaoğlu, P Atagündüz, ...
Journal of lipid research 40 (3), 432-438, 1999
An Assessment in SpondyloArthritis International Society (ASAS)-endorsed definition of clinically important worsening in axial spondyloarthritis based on ASDAS
A Molto, L Gossec, B Meghnathi, RBM Landewé, D van Der Heijde, ...
Annals of the rheumatic diseases 77 (1), 124-127, 2018
The investigation of sacroiliitis with different imaging techniques in spondyloarthropathies
N Inanc, P Atagündüz, F Şen, T Biren, HT Turoğlu, H Direskeneli
Rheumatology international 25, 591-594, 2005
Determinants of early radiographic progression in ankylosing spondylitis
P Atagunduz, SZ Aydin, C Bahadir, B Erer, H Direskeneli
The Journal of rheumatology 37 (11), 2356-2361, 2010
Identification of novel human aggrecan T cell epitopes in HLA-B27 transgenic mice associated with spondyloarthropathy
W Kuon, M Kuhne, DH Busch, P Atagunduz, M Seipel, P Wu, L Morawietz, ...
The Journal of Immunology 173 (8), 4859-4866, 2004
Agreement between Quantiferon-TB gold test and tuberculin skin test in the identification of latent tuberculosis infection in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing …
N Inanc, SZ Aydin, S Karakurt, P Atagunduz, S Yavuz, H Direskeneli
The Journal of Rheumatology 36 (12), 2675-2681, 2009
Validation of ultrasound imaging for Achilles entheseal fibrocartilage in bovines and description of changes in humans with spondyloarthritis
SZ Aydin, E Bas, O Basci, E Filippucci, RJ Wakefield, Ç Çelikel, ...
Annals of the rheumatic diseases 69 (12), 2165-2168, 2010
Anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae antibodies (ASCA) in spondyloarthropathies: a reassessment
SZ Aydin, P Atagunduz, M Temel, M Bicakcigil, D Tasan, H Direskeneli
Rheumatology 47 (2), 142-144, 2008
A practical approach for vaccinations including COVID-19 in autoimmune/autoinflammatory rheumatic diseases: a non-systematic review
M Soy, G Keser, P Atagunduz, MY Mutlu, A Gunduz, G Koybaşi, C Bes
Clinical rheumatology 40, 3533-3545, 2021
Health-related quality of life assessed by LupusQoL questionnaire and SF-36 in Turkish patients with systemic lupus erythematosus
S Yilmaz-Oner, C Oner, FM Dogukan, TF Moses, K Demir, N Tekayev, ...
Clinical rheumatology 35, 617-622, 2016
The 2013 ACC/AHA 10-year atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease risk index is better than SCORE and QRisk II in rheumatoid arthritis: is it enough?
G Ozen, M Sunbul, P Atagunduz, H Direskeneli, K Tigen, N Inanc
Rheumatology 55 (3), 513-522, 2016
Unmet need in Behcet’s disease: most patients in routine follow-up continue to have oral ulcers
F Alibaz-Oner, G Mumcu, Z Kubilay, G Ozen, G Celik, A Karadeniz, M Can, ...
Clinical rheumatology 33, 1773-1776, 2014
Assessment of the new 2012 EULAR/ACR clinical classification criteria for polymyalgia rheumatica: a prospective multicenter study
G Ozen, N Inanc, AU Unal, S Bas, G Kimyon, B Kisacik, AM Onat, S Murat, ...
The Journal of Rheumatology 43 (5), 893-900, 2016
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