Artikel dengan mandat akses publik - Danny CampbellPelajari lebih lanjut
Tidak tersedia di mana pun: 1
PhI (OAc) 2-mediated regioselective synthesis of 5-guanidino-1, 2, 4-thiadiazoles and 1, 2, 4-triazolo [1, 5-a] pyridines via oxidative N–S and N–N bond formation
T Nagaraju, PR Krishna, B Sridhar, N Mangarao
Synthesis 51 (19), 3600-3610, 2019
Mandat: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India, Department of Science …
Tersedia di suatu tempat: 18
Disentangling the influence of knowledge on attribute non-attendance
ED Sandorf, D Campbell, N Hanley
Journal of choice modelling 24, 36-50, 2017
Mandat: Research Council of Norway
Position bias in best‐worst scaling surveys: A case study on trust in institutions
D Campbell, S Erdem
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 97 (2), 526-545, 2015
Mandat: UK Research & Innovation
Heterogeneity in the WTP for recreational access: distributional aspects
D Campbell, SE Vedel, BJ Thorsen, JB Jacobsen
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 57 (8), 1200-1219, 2014
Mandat: Danish Council for Independent Research
The determinants of brownfields redevelopment in England
A Longo, D Campbell
Environmental and Resource Economics 67, 261-283, 2017
Mandat: Government of Spain
Accounting for attribute‐level non‐attendance in a health choice experiment: Does it matter?
S Erdem, D Campbell, AR Hole
Health economics 24 (7), 773-789, 2015
Mandat: National Institute for Health Research, UK
Linking urban air pollution with residents’ willingness to pay for greenspace: A choice experiment study in Beijing
Z Liu, N Hanley, D Campbell
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 104, 102383, 2020
Mandat: Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
The value of blue-space recreation and perceived water quality across Europe: A contingent behaviour study
T Börger, D Campbell, MP White, LR Elliott, LE Fleming, JK Garrett, ...
Science of the Total Environment 771, 145597, 2021
Mandat: European Commission, Environmental Protection Agency, Ireland
Exposure contrasts of pregnant women during the Household Air Pollution Intervention Network randomized controlled trial
M Johnson, A Pillarisetti, R Piedrahita, K Balakrishnan, JL Peel, ...
Environmental health perspectives 130 (9), 097005, 2022
Mandat: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, US National Institutes of Health
Taboo trade-off aversion: A discrete choice model and empirical analysis
CG Chorus, B Pudāne, N Mouter, D Campbell
Journal of choice modelling 27, 37-49, 2018
Mandat: European Commission
Elimination and selection by aspects in health choice experiments: Prioritising health service innovations
S Erdem, D Campbell, C Thompson
Journal of health economics 38, 10-22, 2014
Mandat: National Institute for Health Research, UK
Factors influencing consumption behaviour towards aquatic food among Asian consumers: a systematic scoping review
M Budhathoki, D Campbell, B Belton, R Newton, S Li, W Zhang, D Little
Foods 11 (24), 4043, 2022
Mandat: European Commission
Interpregnancy body mass index changes: distribution and impact on adverse pregnancy outcomes in the subsequent pregnancy
W Bender, A Hirshberg, LD Levine
American journal of perinatology 36 (05), 517-521, 2019
Mandat: US National Institutes of Health
Putting your best fish forward: Investigating distance decay and relative preferences for fish conservation
B Danley, ED Sandorf, D Campbell
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 108, 102475, 2021
Mandat: European Commission
Preferences for public involvement in health service decisions: a comparison between best-worst scaling and trio-wise stated preference elicitation techniques
S Erdem, D Campbell
The European Journal of Health Economics 18, 1107-1123, 2017
Mandat: National Institute for Health Research, UK
Post-birth exposure contrasts for children during the Household Air Pollution Intervention Network randomized controlled trial
A Pillarisetti, W Ye, K Balakrishnan, G Rosa, A Díaz-Artiga, LJ Underhill, ...
medRxiv, 2023.07. 04.23292226, 2023
Mandat: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, US National Institutes of Health
Understanding farmed salmon imports and e-commerce consumer satisfaction in China: A text mining approach
M Budhathoki, L Lincen, H Xu, W Zhang, S Li, R Newton, D Campbell, ...
Journal of Agriculture and Food Research 18, 101342, 2024
Mandat: European Commission
A simple satisficing model
ED Sandorf, D Campbell, C Chorus
Plos one 17 (10), e0275339, 2022
Mandat: European Commission
Consumers’ Preferences Toward Farmed Salmon in China: Integrating Sensory and Choice Experiments
M Budhathoki, H Xu, Z Ma, D Campbell, W Zhang, S Li, R Newton, D Little
Food Frontiers, 2024
Mandat: European Commission
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