Artikel dengan mandat akses publik - Adrian LiuPelajari lebih lanjut
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Probing relationships between reinforcement learning and simple behavioral strategies to understand probabilistic reward learning
ES Iyer, MA Kairiss, A Liu, AR Otto, RC Bagot
Journal of Neuroscience Methods 341, 108777, 2020
Mandat: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Fonds de …
Tersedia di suatu tempat: 73
Hydrogen epoch of reionization array (HERA)
DR DeBoer, AR Parsons, JE Aguirre, P Alexander, ZS Ali, AP Beardsley, ...
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 129 (974), 045001, 2017
Mandat: US National Science Foundation, US National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Overcoming real-world obstacles in 21 cm power spectrum estimation: A method demonstration and results from early Murchison Widefield Array data
JS Dillon, A Liu, CL Williams, JN Hewitt, M Tegmark, EH Morgan, ...
Physical Review D 89 (2), 023002, 2014
Mandat: Australian Research Council
Data Analysis for Precision 21 cm Cosmology
A Liu, JR Shaw
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 132 (1012), 062001, 2020
Mandat: US National Science Foundation, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research …
An improved model of diffuse galactic radio emission from 10 MHz to 5 THz
H Zheng, M Tegmark, JS Dillon, DA Kim, A Liu, AR Neben, J Jonas, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 464 (3), 3486-3497, 2017
Mandat: US National Science Foundation, US National Aeronautics and Space Administration
First results from hera phase i: Upper limits on the epoch of reionization 21 cm power spectrum
Z Abdurashidova, JE Aguirre, P Alexander, ZS Ali, Y Balfour, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 925 (2), 221, 2022
Mandat: US National Science Foundation, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation …
An improved method for 21‐cm foreground removal
A Liu, M Tegmark, J Bowman, J Hewitt, M Zaldarriaga
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 398 (1), 401-406, 2009
Mandat: John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
A simplified, lossless reanalysis of paper-64
M Kolopanis, DC Jacobs, C Cheng, AR Parsons, SA Kohn, JC Pober, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 883 (2), 133, 2019
Mandat: US National Science Foundation, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research …
Precision calibration of radio interferometers using redundant baselines
A Liu, M Tegmark, S Morrison, A Lutomirski, M Zaldarriaga
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 408 (2), 1029-1050, 2010
Mandat: John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
HERA phase I limits on the cosmic 21 cm signal: constraints on astrophysics and cosmology during the epoch of reionization
Z Abdurashidova, JE Aguirre, P Alexander, ZS Ali, Y Balfour, R Barkana, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 924 (2), 51, 2022
Mandat: US National Science Foundation, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation …
Emulating Simulations of Cosmic Dawn for 21 cm Power Spectrum Constraints on Cosmology, Reionization, and X-Ray Heating
NS Kern, A Liu, AR Parsons, A Mesinger, B Greig
The Astrophysical Journal 848 (1), 23, 2017
Mandat: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy, US National …
Eliminating the optical depth nuisance from the CMB with 21 cm cosmology
A Liu, JR Pritchard, R Allison, AR Parsons, U Seljak, BD Sherwin
Physical Review D 93 (4), 043013, 2016
Mandat: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy, US National …
Deep learning from 21-cm tomography of the cosmic dawn and reionization
N Gillet, A Mesinger, B Greig, A Liu, G Ucci
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 484 (1), 282-293, 2019
Mandat: US National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Australian Research …
Improved constraints on the 21 cm EoR power spectrum and the X-ray heating of the IGM with HERA phase I observations
T Adams, JE Aguirre, P Alexander, ZS Ali, R Baartman, Y Balfour, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 945 (2), 124, 2023
Mandat: US National Science Foundation, Australian Research Council, Natural …
The impact of modelling errors on interferometer calibration for 21 cm power spectra
A Ewall-Wice, JS Dillon, A Liu, J Hewitt
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 470 (2), 1849-1870, 2017
Mandat: US National Science Foundation, US National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Characterizing Signal Loss in the 21 cm Reionization Power Spectrum: A Revised Study of PAPER-64
C Cheng, AR Parsons, M Kolopanis, DC Jacobs, A Liu, SA Kohn, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 868 (1), 26, 2018
Mandat: US National Science Foundation, US National Aeronautics and Space …
Constraining cosmology and ionization history with combined 21 cm power spectrum and global signal measurements
A Liu, AR Parsons
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 457 (2), 1864-1877, 2016
Mandat: US National Science Foundation, US National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Mitigating internal instrument coupling for 21 cm cosmology. II. A method demonstration with the Hydrogen Epoch of Reionization Array
NS Kern, AR Parsons, JS Dillon, AE Lanman, A Liu, P Bull, A Ewall-Wice, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 888 (2), 70, 2020
Mandat: US National Science Foundation, US National Aeronautics and Space …
Pulsar timing can constrain primordial black holes in the LIGO mass window
K Schutz, A Liu
arXiv preprint arXiv:1610.04234, 2016
Mandat: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy, US National …
Identifying reionization sources from 21 cm maps using Convolutional Neural Networks
S Hassan, A Liu, S Kohn, P La Plante
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 483 (2), 2524-2537, 2019
Mandat: US National Aeronautics and Space Administration
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