Artikel dengan mandat akses publik - Aslihan ArslanPelajari lebih lanjut
Tidak tersedia di mana pun: 1
Transforming rural economies: migration, income generation and inequality in rural Mexico
A Arslan, JE Taylor
Journal of Development Studies 48 (8), 1156-1176, 2012
Mandat: German Research Foundation
Tersedia di suatu tempat: 11
The scientific basis of climate-smart agriculture: a systematic review protocol.
TS Rosenstock, C Lamanna, S Chesterman, P Bell, A Arslan, M Richards, ...
Mandat: CGIAR
Assessing the economic and mitigation benefits of climate-smart agriculture and its implications for political economy: A case study in Southern Africa
G Branca, A Arslan, A Paolantonio, U Grewer, A Cattaneo, R Cavatassi, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 285, 125161, 2021
Mandat: European Commission
Multi-factor, multi-state, multi-model scenarios: exploring food and climate futures for Southeast Asia
D Mason-D'Croz, J Vervoort, A Palazzo, S Islam, S Lord, A Helfgott, ...
Environmental Modelling & Software 83, 255-270, 2016
Mandat: John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, CGIAR
A meta-analysis of the adoption of agricultural technology in Sub-Saharan Africa
A Arslan, K Floress, C Lamanna, L Lipper, TS Rosenstock
PLOS Sustainability and Transformation 1 (7), e0000018, 2022
Mandat: US Department of Agriculture, CGIAR
The adoption of improved agricultural technologies-A meta-analysis for Africa
A Arslan
IFAD Research Series 63, 2020
Mandat: US Department of Agriculture, CGIAR
Climate change mitigation potential of agricultural practices supported by IFAD investments: an ex ante analysis.
M Richards, A Arslan, R Cavatassi, T Rosenstock
Mandat: CGIAR
The adoption of improved agricultural technologies
A Arslan, K Floress, C Lamanna, L Lipper, S Asfaw, T Rosenstock
A meta-analysis for Africa 63, 2020
Mandat: US Department of Agriculture, CGIAR
What Drives Rural Youth Welfare?: The Role of Spatial, Economic, and Household Factors
A Arslan, DL Tschirley, EM Egger
IFAD, International Fund for Agricultural Development, 2019
Mandat: Department of International Development, UK
Whole-household migration, inequality and poverty in rural Mexico
A Arslan, JE Taylor
Kiel Working Paper, 2011
Mandat: German Research Foundation
IFAD RESEARCH SERIES 35-Climate change mitigation potential of agricultural practices supported by IFAD investments: An ex ante analysis
M Richards, A Arslan, R Cavatassi, T Rosenstock
Mandat: CGIAR
IFAD RESEARCH SERIES 42 What drives rural youth welfare? The role of spatial, economic, and household factors
A Arsalan, D Tschirley, EM Egger
The Role of Spatial, Economic, and Household Factors (December 12, 2019), 2019
Mandat: Department of International Development, UK
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