Alberto Jiménez-Díaz (0000-0001-9739-8788)
Alberto Jiménez-Díaz (0000-0001-9739-8788)
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The Quaternary active faults database of Iberia (QAFI v. 2.0)
J García Mayordomo, JM Insua Arévalo, JJ Martínez Díaz, A Jiménez Díaz, ...
Journal of Iberian Geology 38 (1), 285–302, 2012
The thermal evolution of Mars as constrained by paleo-heat flows
J Ruiz, PJ McGovern, A Jiménez-Díaz, V López, JP Williams, BC Hahn, ...
Icarus 215 (2), 508–517, 2011
Present-day heat flow model of Mars
LM Parro, A Jiménez-Díaz, F Mansilla, J Ruiz
Scientific Reports 7, 45629, 2017
The Galicia–Ossa-Morena Zone: Proposal for a new zone of the Iberian Massif. Variscan implications
R Arenas, RD Fernández, FJR Pascual, SS Martínez, LMM Parra, J Matas, ...
Tectonophysics 681, 135–143, 2016
Lithospheric structure of Venus from gravity and topography
A Jiménez-Díaz, J Ruiz, JF Kirby, I Romeo, R Tejero, R Capote
Icarus 260, 215-231, 2015
The Calzadilla Ophiolite (SW Iberia) and the Ediacaran fore-arc evolution of the African margin of Gondwana
R Arenas, J Fernández-Suárez, P Montero, R Díez Fernández, ...
Gondwana Research 58, 71–86, 2018
Spatial variations in the effective elastic thickness of the lithosphere in Southeast Asia
X Shi, J Kirby, C Yu, A Jiménez-Díaz, J Zhao
Gondwana Research 42, 49–62, 2017
Spatial variations of effective elastic thickness of the lithosphere in Central America and surrounding regions
A Jiménez-Díaz, J Ruiz, M Pérez-Gussinyé, JF Kirby, JA Álvarez-Gómez, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 391, 55-66, 2014
Ediacaran obduction of a fore‐arc ophiolite in SW Iberia: a turning point in the evolving geodynamic setting of peri‐Gondwana
R Díez Fernández, A Jiménez‐Díaz, R Arenas, MF Pereira, ...
Tectonics 38, 95–119, 2019
The thermal state and strength of the lithosphere in the Spanish Central System and Tajo Basin from crustal heat production and thermal isostasy
A Jiménez-Díaz, J Ruiz, C Villaseca, R Tejero, R Capote
Journal of Geodynamics 58, 29-37, 2012
Thrust fault modeling and Late-Noachian lithospheric structure of the circum-Hellas region, Mars
I Egea-Gonzalez, A Jiménez-Díaz, LM Parro, V López, JP Williams, J Ruiz
Icarus 288, 53–68, 2017
Regional heat flow and subsurface temperature patterns at Elysium Planitia and Oxia Planum areas, Mars
I Egea-Gonzalez, A Jiménez-Díaz, LM Parro, F Mansilla, JA Holmes, ...
Icarus 353, 113379, 2021
Recent tectonic model for the Upper Tagus Basin (central Spain)
JL Giner-Robles, R Pérez-López, PG Silva, A Jiménez-Díaz, ...
Journal of Iberian Geology 38 (1), 113-126, 2012
La fábrica de las rocas miloníticas de la zona de cizalla de Los Llanos (Calzadilla de los Barros, Badajoz)
A Jiménez Díaz, R Capote, R Tejero López, R Lunar, L Ortega, ...
Geogaceta 46, 27–30, 2009
Topographic, lithospheric and lithologic controls on the transient landscape evolution after the opening of internally-drained basins. Modelling the North Iberian Neogene drainage
L Struth, D Garcia-Castellanos, L Rodríguez-Rodríguez, ...
BSGF - Earth Sciences Bulletin 192, 45, 2021
The stability of a liquid-water body below the south polar cap of Mars
I Egea-González, PC Lois, A Jiménez-Díaz, AM Bramson, MM Sori, ...
Icarus 383, 115073, 2022
Spatial variations of the effective elastic thickness and internal load fraction in the Cascadia subduction zone
C Yu, M Xu, JF Kirby, X Shi, A Jiménez-Díaz
Geophysical Journal International 229 (1), 487–504, 2022
The thermal structure and mechanical behavior of the Martian lithosphere
A Jiménez-Díaz, I Egea-Gonzalez, LM Parro, M Tasaka, J Ruiz
Icarus 353, 113635, 2021
Base de datos de fallas activas de Iberia (primera fase): objetivos y estructura preliminar
J García-Mayordomo, JM Insua-Arévalo, JJ Martínez-Díaz, ...
1ª Reunión Ibérica sobre Fallas Activas y Paleosismología, 189-192, 2010
Evidence of thrust faulting and widespread contraction of Ceres
J Ruiz, A Jiménez-Díaz, F Mansilla, LM Parro, I Egea-González, ...
Nature Astronomy 3, 916–921, 2019
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