Shaiful Alam Chowdhury
Shaiful Alam Chowdhury
Assistant Professor, University of Manitoba
Email yang diverifikasi di umanitoba.ca - Beranda
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A proposed architecture of cloud computing for education system in Bangladesh and the impact on current education system
S Al Noor, G Mustafa, SA Chowdhury, MZ Hossain, FT Jaigirdar
IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security 10 (10 …, 2010
Greenoracle: Estimating software energy consumption with energy measurement corpora
SA Chowdhury, A Hindle
Proceedings of the 13th international conference on mining software …, 2016
What do developers know about machine learning: a study of ML discussions on StackOverflow
AA Bangash, H Sahar, S Chowdhury, AW Wong, A Hindle, K Ali
16th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories, 2019
GreenScaler: training software energy models with automatic test generation
S Chowdhury, S Borle, S Romansky, A Hindle
Empirical Software Engineering 24, 1649-1692, 2019
An exploratory study on assessing the energy impact of logging on android applications
S Chowdhury, S Di Nardo, A Hindle, ZM Jiang
Empirical Software Engineering 23, 1422-1456, 2018
Performance evaluation of Yahoo! S4: A first look
J Chauhan, SA Chowdhury, D Makaroff
2012 Seventh International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and …, 2012
Mining StackOverflow to Filter out Off-topic IRC Discussion
SA Chowdhury, A Hindle
Mining Software Repositories, 2015
Client-side energy efficiency of HTTP/2 for web and mobile app developers
SA Chowdhury, V Sapra, A Hindle
2016 IEEE 23rd international conference on software analysis, evolution, and …, 2016
CodeShovel: Constructing method-level source code histories
F Grund, SA Chowdhury, NC Bradley, B Hall, R Holmes
2021 IEEE/ACM 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE …, 2021
Deep green: Modelling time-series of software energy consumption
S Romansky, NC Borle, S Chowdhury, A Hindle, R Greiner
2017 IEEE international conference on software maintenance and evolution …, 2017
Characterizing energy-aware software projects: Are they different?
SA Chowdhury, A Hindle
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Mining Software …, 2016
Is HTTP/2 more energy efficient than HTTP/1.1 for mobile users?
SA Chowdhury, V Sapra, A Hindle
PeerJ PrePrints 3, e1280v1, 2015
Greenbundle: an empirical study on the energy impact of bundled processing
SA Chowdhury, A Hindle, R Kazman, T Shuto, K Matsui, Y Kamei
2019 IEEE/ACM 41st International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE …, 2019
Popularity growth patterns of youtube videos-a category-based study
SA Chowdhury, D Makaroff
International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies 2, 233-242, 2013
A system-call based model of software energy consumption without hardware instrumentation
SA Chowdhury, LN Kumar, MT Imam, MSM Jabbar, V Sapra, K Aggarwal, ...
2015 Sixth International Green and Sustainable Computing Conference (IGSC), 1-6, 2015
Revisiting the debate: Are code metrics useful for measuring maintenance effort?
S Chowdhury, R Holmes, A Zaidman, R Kazman
Empirical Software Engineering 27 (6), 158, 2022
Performance study and simulation analysis of CSMA and IEEE 802.11 in wireless sensor networks and limitations of IEEE 802.11
SA Chowdhury, MT Islam, FT Jaigirdar, MRU Faruqui, S Al Noor
2009 12th International Conference on Computers and Information Technology …, 2009
Characterizing videos and users in YouTube: A survey
SA Chowdhury, D Makaroff
2012 Seventh International Conference on Broadband, Wireless Computing …, 2012
Syntax and Stack Overflow: A methodology for extracting a corpus of syntax errors and fixes
AW Wong, A Salimi, S Chowdhury, A Hindle
2019 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution …, 2019
An empirical study on maintainable method size in java
SA Chowdhury, G Uddin, R Holmes
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Mining Software …, 2022
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