Dominic Chandar
Dominic Chandar
Computational Engineer
Email yang diverifikasi di uwyo.edu
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Evaluation of the overset grid method for control studies of wave energy converters in OpenFOAM numerical wave tanks
C Windt, J Davidson, DDJ Chandar, N Faedo, JV Ringwood
Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy 6 (1), 55-70, 2020
On overset interpolation strategies and conservation on unstructured grids in OpenFOAM
DDJ Chandar
Computer Physics Communications 239, 72-83, 2019
A comparative study of different overset grid solvers between openfoam, starccm+ and ansys-fluent
DD Chandar, B Boppana, V Kumar
2018 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 1564, 2018
Computational study of unsteady low-Reynolds-number airfoil aerodynamics using moving overlapping meshes
DDJ Chandar, M Damodaran
AIAA journal 46 (2), 429-438, 2008
An overlapping domain decomposition based near-far field coupling method for wave structure interaction simulations
X Lu, DDJ Chandar, Y Chen, J Lou
Coastal Engineering 126, 37-50, 2017
Effects of thermal induced buoyancy forces on the vortex shedding of a circular cylinder
S Singh, D Chandar
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 76, 215-224, 2016
Development of an overset grid computational fluid dynamics solver on graphical processing units
K Soni, DDJ Chandar, J Sitaraman
Computers & fluids 58, 1-14, 2012
On the importance of advanced mesh motion methods for WEC experiments in CFD-based numerical wave tanks
C Windt, J Davidson, D Chandar, JV Ringwood
MARINE VIII: Proceedings of the VIII International Conference on …, 2019
A GPU-based incompressible Navier–Stokes solver on moving overset grids
DDJ Chandar, J Sitaraman, DJ Mavriplis
International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics 27 (6-7), 268-282, 2013
Flow past tandem circular cylinders at high Reynolds numbers using overset grids in OpenFOAM
H Gopalan, R Jaiman, DD Chandar
53rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 0315, 2015
Computation of unsteady low Reynolds number free-flight aerodynamics of flapping wings
DDJ Chandar, M Damodaran
Journal of Aircraft 47 (1), 141-150, 2010
Computational Fluid-Structure Interaction of a Flexible Flapping Wing in Free Flight Using Overlapping Meshes
D Chandar, M Damodaran
27th AIAA applied aerodynamics conference, 3849, 2009
Comparative analysis of the arbitrary mesh interface (AMI) and overset methods for dynamic body motions in openfoam
DD Chandar, H Gopalan
46th AIAA Fluid dynamics conference, 3324, 2016
Tightly coupled cfd/multibody analysis of flapping-wing micro-aerial vehicles
P Masarati, M Morandini, G Quaranta, D Chandar, B Roget, J Sitaraman
29th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference, 3022, 2011
GPU parallelization of an unstructured overset grid incompressible Navier-Stokes solver for moving bodies
D Chandar, J Sitaraman, D Mavriplis
50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and …, 2012
Dynamic overset grid computations for CFD applications on graphics processing units
D Chandar, J Sitaraman, D Mavriplis
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Computational Fluid …, 2012
Development of a Parallel Overset Grid Framework for Moving Body Simulations in Open FOAM.
D Chandar
Journal of Applied Computer Science & Mathematics, 2015
Edge curvature effects of a square cylinder on self-sustained oscillations
RC Mysa, DDJ Chandar
Computers & Fluids 170, 273-284, 2018
CU++ ET: An Object Oriented Tool for Accelerating Computational Fluid Dynamics Codes using Graphical Processing Units
D Chandar, J Sitaraman, D Mavriplis
20th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, 3222, 2011
A novel method of determining the active drag profile in swimming via data manipulation of multiple tension force collection methods
A Haskins, C McCabe, R Kennedy, R McWade, AB Lennon, D Chandar
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 10896, 2023
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