Xuejin Li (李学进)
Dikutip oleh
Dikutip oleh
Lipid-bilayer and cytoskeletal interactions in a red blood cell
Z Peng, X Li, IV Pivkin, M Dao, GE Karniadakis, S Suresh
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (33), 13356-13361, 2013
Surface-structure-regulated penetration of nanoparticles across cell membrane
Y Li, X Li, Z Li, H Gao
Nanoscale 4, 3768-3775, 2012
Continuum- and particle-based modeling of shapes and dynamics of red blood cells in health and disease
X Li, PM Vlahovska, GE Karniadakis
Soft Matter 9 (1), 28-37, 2013
Mechanics of diseased red blood cells in human spleen and consequences for hereditary blood disorders
H Li, L Lu, X Li, PA Buffet, M Dao, GE Karniadakis, S Suresh
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (38), 9574-9579, 2018
Biomechanics and biorheology of red blood cells in sickle cell anemia
X Li, M Dao, G Lykotrafitis, GE Karniadakis
Journal of Biomechanics 50 (1), 34-41, 2017
Blood-plasma separation in Y-shaped bifurcating microfluidic channels: A dissipative particle dynamics simulation study
X Li, AS Popel, GE Karniadakis
Physical Biology 9, 026010, 2012
Shape transformations of membrane vesicles from amphiphilic triblock copolymers: a dissipative particle dynamics simulation study
X Li, IV Pivkin, H Liang, GE Karniadakis
Macromolecules 42 (8), 3195-3200, 2009
Probing red blood cell mechanics, rheology and dynamics with a two-component multiscale model
X Li, Z Peng, H Lei, M Dao, GE Karniadakis
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 372, 20130389, 2014
Penetration of nanoparticles across a lipid bilayer: Effects of particle stiffness and surface hydrophobicity
S Wang, H Guo, Y Li, X Li
Nanoscale 11 (9), 4025-4034, 2019
Modeling of biomechanics and biorheology of red blood cells In type-2 diabetes mellitus
HY Chang, X Li, GE Karniadakis
Biophysical Journal 113 (2), 481-490, 2017
Simulation and modelling of slip flow over surfaces grafted with polymer brushes and glycocalyx fibres
M Deng, X Li, H Liang, B Caswell, GE Karniadakis
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 711, 192-211, 2012
Simultaneous polymerization and adhesion under hypoxia in sickle cell disease
DP Papageorgiou, SZ Abidi, HY Chang, X Li, GJ Kato, GE Karniadakis, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (38), 9473-9478, 2018
Fusion and fission pathways of vesicles from amphiphilic triblock copolymers: a dissipative particle dynamics simulation study
X Li, Y Liu, L Wang, M Deng, H Liang
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 11 (20), 4051-4059, 2009
Inflow/Outflow boundary conditions for particle-based blood flow simulations: Application to arterial bifurcations and trees
K Lykov, X Li, IV Pivkin, GE Karniadakis
PLOS Computational Biology 11 (8), e1004410, 2015
Quantifying platelet margination in diabetic blood flow
HY Chang, A Yazdani, X Li, K Douglas, C Mantzoros, G Karniadakis
Biophysical Journal 115, 1371-1382, 2018
Patient-specific blood rheology in sickle-cell anaemia
X Li, E Du, H Lei, M Dao, S Suresh, GE Karniadakis
Interface Focus 6 (1), 20150065, 2016
MD/DPD multiscale framework for predicting morphology and stresses of red blood cells in health and disease
HY Chang, X Li, H Li, GE Karniadakis
PLoS Computational Biology 12 (10), e1005173, 2016
Microphase separation of diblock copolymer poly (styrene-b-isoprene): A dissipative particle dynamics simulation study
X Li, J Guo, Y Liu, H Liang
Journal of Chemical Physics 130 (7), 074908, 2009
Computational biomechanics of human red blood cells in hematological disorders
X Li, H Li, HY Chang, G Lykotrafitis, GE Karniadakis
Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 139 (2), 020804, 2017
GPU-accelerated red blood cells simulations with transport dissipative particle dynamics
AL Blumers, YH Tang, Z Li, X Li, GE Karniadakis
Computer Physics Communications 217, 171-179, 2017
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