Michael E. Rising
Michael E. Rising
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MCNP6. 2 release notes
CJ Werner, JS Bull, CJ Solomon, FB Brown, GW McKinney, ME Rising, ...
Los Alamos National Laboratory, report LA-UR-18-20808, 2018
MCNP version 6.2 release notes
CJ Werner, JS Bull, CJ Solomon, FB Brown, GW McKinney, ME Rising, ...
Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States), 2018
MCNP® code version 6.3. 0 theory & user manual
JA Kulesza, TR Adams, JC Armstrong, SR Bolding, FB Brown, JS Bull, ...
Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States), 2022
CIELO collaboration summary results: international evaluations of neutron reactions on uranium, plutonium, iron, oxygen and hydrogen
MB Chadwick, R Capote, A Trkov, MW Herman, DA Brown, GM Hale, ...
Nuclear Data Sheets 148, 189-213, 2018
Correlated prompt fission data in transport simulations
P Talou, R Vogt, J Randrup, ME Rising, SA Pozzi, J Verbeke, MT Andrews, ...
The European Physical Journal A 54 (1), 9, 2018
Fission fragment decay simulations with the CGMF code
P Talou, I Stetcu, P Jaffke, ME Rising, AE Lovell, T Kawano
Computer Physics Communications 269, 108087, 2021
MCNP® code version 6.3. 0 release notes
ME Rising, JC Armstrong, SR Bolding, FB Brown, JS Bull, TP Burke, ...
Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA, Tech. Rep. LA-UR-22 …, 2023
The prompt fission neutron spectrum of 235U (n, f) below 2.5 MeV for incident neutrons from 0.7 to 20 MeV
M Devlin, JA Gomez, KJ Kelly, RC Haight, JM O'Donnell, TN Taddeucci, ...
Nuclear Data Sheets 148, 322-337, 2018
Enhancing nuclear data validation analysis by using machine learning
D Neudecker, M Grosskopf, M Herman, W Haeck, P Grechanuk, ...
Nuclear Data Sheets 167, 36-60, 2020
Multiple-scattering corrections to measurements of the prompt fission neutron spectrum
TN Taddeucci, RC Haight, HY Lee, D Neudecker, JM O'Donnell, ...
Nuclear Data Sheets 123, 135-139, 2015
Evaluations of energy spectra of neutrons emitted promptly in neutron-induced fission of 235U and 239Pu
D Neudecker, P Talou, T Kawano, AC Kahler, MC White, TN Taddeucci, ...
Nuclear Data Sheets 148, 293-311, 2018
The need for precise and well-documented experimental data on prompt fission neutron spectra from neutron-induced fission of 239Pu
D Neudecker, TN Taddeucci, RC Haight, HY Lee, MC White, ME Rising
Nuclear Data Sheets 131, 289-318, 2016
Quantification of uncertainties for evaluated neutron-induced reactions on actinides in the fast energy range
P Talou, PG Young, T Kawano, M Rising, MB Chadwick
Nuclear Data Sheets 112 (12), 3054-3074, 2011
MCNP version 6.2 release notes (No. LA-UR-18-20808)
CJ Werner, JS Bull, CJ Solomon, FB Brown, GW McKinney, ME Rising, ...
Los Alamos, NM, Los Alamos National Laboratory, 2018
Evaluation and uncertainty quantification of prompt fission neutron spectra of uranium and plutonium isotopes
ME Rising, P Talou, T Kawano, AK Prinja
Nuclear Science and Engineering 175 (1), 81-93, 2013
User Manual for Whisper-1.1
FB Brown, ME Rising, JL Alwin
Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States), 2017
Which nuclear data can be validated with LLNL pulsed-sphere experiments?
D Neudecker, O Cabellos, AR Clark, W Haeck, R Capote, A Trkov, ...
Annals of Nuclear Energy 159, 108345, 2021
Using machine learning methods to predict bias in nuclear criticality safety
P Grechanuk, ME Rising, TS Palmer
Journal of Computational and Theoretical Transport 47 (4-6), 552-565, 2018
The LANL/LLNL prompt fission neutron spectrum program at LANSCE and approach to uncertainties
RC Haight, CY Wu, HY Lee, TN Taddeucci, BA Perdue, JM O'Donnell, ...
Nuclear data sheets 123, 130-134, 2015
Combined use of integral experiments and covariance data
G Palmiotti, M Salvatores, G Aliberti, M Herman, SD Hoblit, RD McKnight, ...
Nuclear Data Sheets 118, 596-636, 2014
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