Regassa Namara
Regassa Namara
Nama lainnyaRegassa Ensermu Namara, Regassa Ensermu
Sr Water Economist, World Bank
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Agricultural water management and poverty linkages
RE Namara, MA Hanjra, GE Castillo, HM Ravnborg, L Smith, ...
Agricultural water management 97 (4), 520-527, 2010
Importance of irrigated agriculture to the Ethiopian economy: Capturing the direct net benefits of irrigation
F Hagos, G Makombe, RE Namara, SB Awulachew
IWMI, 2009
Irrigation development in Ghana: Past experiences, emerging opportunities, and future directions
RE Namara, L Horowitz, B Nyamadi, B Barry
International Food Policy Research Institute, 2011
Impact of small‐scale irrigation on household poverty: empirical evidence from the Ambo district in Ethiopia
D Bacha, R Namara, A Bogale, A Tesfaye
Irrigation and Drainage 60 (1), 1-10, 2011
Economics, adoption determinants, and impacts of micro-irrigation technologies: empirical results from India
RE Namara, RK Nagar, B Upadhyay
Irrigation science 25 (3), 283-297, 2007
The impact of small-scale irrigation on household food security: The case of Filtino and Godino irrigation schemes in Ethiopia
A Tesfaye, A Bogale, RE Namara, D Bacha
Irrigation and Drainage Systems 22, 145-158, 2008
Adoption and impacts of microirrigation technologies: Empirical results from selected localities of Maharashtra and Gujarat States of India
R Namara, B Upadhyay, RK Nagar
IWMI, 2005
Poverty reduction with irrigation investment: An empirical case study from Tigray, Ethiopia
G Gebregziabher, RE Namara, S Holden
Agricultural water management 96 (12), 1837-1843, 2009
Prospects for adopting system of rice intensification in Sri Lanka: A socioeconomic assessment
RE Namara, P Weligamage, R Barker
IWMI, 2003
A comparative analysis of the technical efficiency of rain-fed and smallholder irrigation in Ethiopia
G Makombe, R Namara, F Hagos, SB Awulachew, M Ayana, D Bossio
Iwmi, 2011
Adoption patterns and constraints pertaining to small-scale water lifting technologies in Ghana
RE Namara, L Hope, EO Sarpong, C De Fraiture, D Owusu
Agricultural Water Management 131, 194-203, 2014
Technical efficiency of irrigated and rain-fed smallholder agriculture in Tigray, Ethiopia: A comparative stochastic frontier production function analysis
G Gebregziabher, RE Namara, S Holden
Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture 51 (3), 203-226, 2012
Water implications of large-scale land acquisitions in Ghana
TO Williams, B Gyampoh, F Kizito, R Namara
Water Alternatives 5 (2), 243, 2012
Typology of irrigation systems in Ghana
RE Namara, L Horowitz, S Kolavalli, G Kranjac-Berisavljevic, BN Dawuni, ...
IWMI, 2011
Indigenous systems of conflict resolution in Oromia, Ethiopia
DC Edossa, SB Awulachew, RE Namara, MS Babel, AD Gupta
Community-Based Water Law and Water Resource Management Reform in Developing …, 2007
Smallholder shallow groundwater irrigation development in the upper east region of Ghana
RE Namara, JA Awuni, B Barry, M Giordano, L Hope, ES Owusu, ...
IWMI, 2011
Dynamics of irrigation-poverty linkages in rural India: Analytical framework and empirical analysis
RM Saleth, RE Namara, M Samad
Water Policy 5 (5-6), 459-473, 2003
An analysis of the productivity and technical efficiency of smallholder irrigation in Ethiopia
G Makombe, RE Namara, SB Awulachew, F Hagos, M Ayana, M Kanjere
Water SA 43 (1), 48-57, 2017
Economic analysis of factors influencing adoption of motor pumps in Ethiopia
G Gebregziabher, MA Giordano, S Langan, RE Namara
Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics 6 (12), 490-500, 2014
Development aid and access to water and sanitation in Sub-Saharan Africa
AO Salami, M Stampini, AB Kamara, CA Sullivan, R Namara
Water international 39 (3), 294-314, 2014
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