Artikel dengan mandat akses publik - TOKONAMI ShinjiPelajari lebih lanjut
Tidak tersedia di mana pun: 4
Tritium concentration in bottled drinking water and internal dose assessment
K Kheamsiri, N Akata, H Kuwata, M Tanaka, M Hosoda, M Sasaki, ...
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 333 (5), 2597-2603, 2024
Mandat: National Institute for Health Research, UK
Residential radon exposure in Astana and Aqsu, Kazakhstan
S Tokonami, C Kranrod, P Kazymbet, Y Omori, M Bakhtin, W Poltabtim, ...
Journal of Radiological Protection 43 (2), 023501, 2023
Mandat: Japan Science and Technology Agency
Novel method for estimation of the indoor-to-outdoor airborne radioactivity ratio following the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident
Y Tan, T Ishikawa, M Janik, S Tokonami, M Hosoda, A Sorimachi, ...
Science of The Total Environment 536, 25-30, 2015
Mandat: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Equilibration correction of temporal measurements for sudden 222Rn concentration changes
Y Tan, S Tokonami, H Liu, KJ Kearfott
Journal of Instrumentation 11 (02), T02002, 2016
Mandat: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Tersedia di suatu tempat: 8
Comparative analysis of radon, thoron and thoron progeny concentration measurements
M Janik, S Tokonami, C Kranrod, A Sorimachi, T Ishikawa, M Hosoda, ...
Journal of radiation research 54 (4), 597-610, 2013
Mandat: British Heart Foundation
Preliminary results from an indoor radon thoron survey in Hungary
G Szeiler, J Somlai, T Ishikawa, Y Omori, R Mishra, BK Sapra, YS Mayya, ...
Radiation protection dosimetry 152 (1-3), 243-246, 2012
Mandat: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Effect of radon measurement methods on dose estimation
N Kávási, Y Kobayashi, T Kovács, J Somlai, V Jobbágy, K Nagy, E Deák, ...
Radiation Protection Dosimetry 145 (2-3), 224-232, 2011
Mandat: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
On the calibration of a radon exhalation monitor based on the electrostatic collection method and accumulation chamber
Y Tan, S Tokonami, M Hosoda
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 144, 9-14, 2015
Mandat: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Radon and thoron parallel measurements in dwellings nearby a closed Hungarian uranium mine
C Nemeth, V Jobbagy, N Kavasi, J Somlai, T Kovacs, S Tokonami
nukleonika 55 (4), 459-462, 2010
Mandat: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Comparison of urinary excretion of radon from the human body before and after radon bath therapy
N Kávási, T Kovács, J Somlai, V Jobbágy, K Nagy, E Deák, I Berhés, ...
Radiation protection dosimetry 146 (1-3), 27-30, 2011
Mandat: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
A proposal to evaluate radioactivity of cement containing coal fly ash from China national standard:“limits of radionuclides in building materials”
Y Tan, F Liu, S Tokonami, D Xiao, J Shan, Q Zhou, Q Tang, M Hosoda, ...
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 306, 277-281, 2015
Mandat: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Uranium Isotope Characterization in Volcanic Deposits in a High Natural Background Radiation Area, Mamuju, Indonesia
I Rosianna, ED Nugraha, H Tazoe, H Syaeful, AG Muhammad, ...
Geosciences 13 (12), 388, 2023
Mandat: Japan Science and Technology Agency
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