Xinghang Zhang
Xinghang Zhang
Professor, School of Materials Engineering, Purdue University
Email yang diverifikasi di purdue.edu - Beranda
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Detwinning mechanisms for growth twins in face-centered cubic metals
J Wang, N Li, O Anderoglu, X Zhang, A Misra, JY Huang, JP Hirth
Acta Materialia 58 (6), 2262-2270, 2010
The radiation damage tolerance of ultra-high strength nanolayered composites
A Misra, MJ Demkowicz, X Zhang, RG Hoagland
Jom 59, 62-65, 2007
Growth twins and deformation twins in metals
IJ Beyerlein, X Zhang, A Misra
Annual Review of Materials Research 44 (1), 329-363, 2014
Radiation damage in nanostructured materials
X Zhang, K Hattar, Y Chen, L Shao, J Li, C Sun, K Yu, N Li, ML Taheri, ...
Progress in Materials Science 96, 217-321, 2018
Enhanced hardening in Cu/330 stainless steel multilayers by nanoscale twinning
X Zhang, A Misra, H Wang, TD Shen, M Nastasi, TE Mitchell, JP Hirth, ...
Acta materialia 52 (4), 995-1002, 2004
Thermal stability of sputtered Cu films with nanoscale growth twins
O Anderoglu, A Misra, H Wang, X Zhang
Journal of Applied Physics 103 (9), 2008
Nanoscale-twinning-induced strengthening in austenitic stainless steel thin films
X Zhang, A Misra, H Wang, M Nastasi, JD Embury, TE Mitchell, ...
Applied physics letters 84 (7), 1096-1098, 2004
High-strength sputter-deposited Cu foils with preferred orientation of nanoscale growth twins
X Zhang, H Wang, XH Chen, L Lu, K Lu, RG Hoagland, A Misra
Applied Physics Letters 88 (17), 2006
Epitaxial nanotwinned Cu films with high strength and high conductivity
O Anderoglu, A Misra, H Wang, F Ronning, MF Hundley, X Zhang
Applied Physics Letters 93 (8), 2008
Twinning dislocation multiplication at a coherent twin boundary
N Li, J Wang, A Misra, X Zhang, JY Huang, JP Hirth
Acta Materialia 59 (15), 5989-5996, 2011
Mechanical properties of highly textured Cu/Ni multilayers
Y Liu, D Bufford, H Wang, C Sun, X Zhang
Acta Materialia 59 (5), 1924-1933, 2011
Superior thermal stability of coherent twin boundaries in nanotwinned metals
X Zhang, A Misra
Scripta Materialia 66 (11), 860-865, 2012
Dislocation structures of Σ3 {112} twin boundaries in face centered cubic metals
J Wang, O Anderoglu, JP Hirth, A Misra, X Zhang
Applied Physics Letters 95 (2), 2009
Depth profile of uncompensated spins in an exchange bias system
S Roy, MR Fitzsimmons, S Park, M Dorn, O Petracic, IV Roshchin, ZP Li, ...
Physical review letters 95 (4), 47201, 2005
Interface enabled defects reduction in helium ion irradiated Cu/V nanolayers
EG Fu, A Misra, H Wang, L Shao, X Zhang
Journal of Nuclear Materials 407 (3), 178-188, 2010
Tunable Low‐Field Magnetoresistance in (La0. 7Sr0. 3MnO3) 0.5:(ZnO) 0.5 Self‐Assembled Vertically Aligned Nanocomposite Thin Films
A Chen, Z Bi, CF Tsai, JH Lee, Q Su, X Zhang, Q Jia, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 21 (13), 2423-2429, 2011
He ion irradiation damage in Fe/W nanolayer films
N Li, EG Fu, H Wang, JJ Carter, L Shao, SA Maloy, A Misra, X Zhang
Journal of Nuclear Materials 389 (2), 233-238, 2009
High strength, epitaxial nanotwinned Ag films
D Bufford, H Wang, X Zhang
Acta Materialia 59 (1), 93-101, 2011
Removal of stacking-fault tetrahedra by twin boundaries in nanotwinned metals
KY Yu, D Bufford, C Sun, Y Liu, H Wang, MA Kirk, M Li, X Zhang
Nature Communications 4, 1377, 2013
Mechanical properties of sputtered Cu/V and Al/Nb multilayer films
EG Fu, N Li, A Misra, RG Hoagland, H Wang, X Zhang
Materials Science and Engineering: A 493 (1-2), 283-287, 2008
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