Jawad Khan
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Multiple brain tumor classification with dense CNN architecture using brain MRI images
O Özkaraca, Oİ Bağrıaçık, H Gürüler, F Khan, J Hussain, J Khan, U Laila
Life 13 (2), 349, 2023
Monkeypox detection using CNN with transfer learning
M Altun, H Gürüler, O Özkaraca, F Khan, J Khan, Y Lee
Sensors 23 (4), 1783, 2023
IoTFLiP: IoT-based flipped learning platform for medical education
M Ali, HSM Bilal, MA Razzaq, J Khan, S Lee, M Idris, M Aazam, T Choi, ...
Digital communications and networks 3 (3), 188-194, 2017
A multimodal memes classification: A survey and open research issues
TH Afridi, A Alam, MN Khan, J Khan, YK Lee
Innovations in Smart Cities Applications Volume 4: The Proceedings of the …, 2021
Sentiment and context-aware hybrid DNN with attention for text sentiment classification
J Khan, N Ahmad, S Khalid, F Ali, Y Lee
IEEE Access 11, 28162-28179, 2023
EnSWF: effective features extraction and selection in conjunction with ensemble learning methods for document sentiment classification
J Khan, A Alam, J Hussain, YK Lee
Applied Intelligence 49, 3123-3145, 2019
Human activity recognition based on deep-temporal learning using convolution neural networks features and bidirectional gated recurrent unit with features selection
T Ahmad, J Wu, HS Alwageed, F Khan, J Khan, Y Lee
IEEE access 11, 33148-33159, 2023
Summarizing customer review based on product feature and opinion
J Khan, BS Jeong
2016 international conference on machine learning and cybernetics (ICMLC) 1 …, 2016
Intelligent hybrid feature selection for textual sentiment classification
J Khan, A Alam, Y Lee
IEEE Access 9, 140590-140608, 2021
Development of a model for spoofing attacks in internet of things
F Khan, AA Al-Atawi, A Alomari, A Alsirhani, MM Alshahrani, J Khan, ...
Mathematics 10 (19), 3686, 2022
Lessa: A unified framework based on lexicons and semi-supervised learning approaches for textual sentiment classification
J Khan, YK Lee
Applied Sciences 9 (24), 5562, 2019
Human Action Recognition Systems: A Review of the Trends and State-of-the-Art
ZA Misha Karim, Shah Khalid, Aliya Aleryani, Jawad Khan, Irfan Ullah
IEEE Access 12 (10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3373199), 36372 - 36390, 2024
Sentiment analysis at sentence level for heterogeneous datasets
J Khan, BS Jeong, YK Lee, A Alam
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Emerging Databases …, 2016
Intellibvr-intelligent large-scale video retrieval for objects and events utilizing distributed deep-learning and semantic approaches
A Alam, MN Khan, J Khan, YK Lee
2020 IEEE International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing (BigComp …, 2020
Factors influencing vendor organizations in the selection of DevOps for global software development: an exploratory study using a systematic literature review
SU Khan, AW Khan, F Khan, J Khan, Y Lee
Cognition, Technology & Work 25 (4), 411-426, 2023
Joint human pose estimation and instance segmentation with poseplusseg
N Ahmad, J Khan, JY Kim, Y Lee
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 36 (1), 69-76, 2022
Investigating the dynamic relationship between stigma of fear, discrimination and employees performance among healthcare workers during Covid-19 pandemic
N Saif, I Shaheen, SU Khan, F Khan, Y Lee, J Khan
Cognition, Technology & Work 25 (4), 385-395, 2023
AHP-based systematic approach to analyzing and evaluating critical success factors and practices for component-based outsourcing software development
AW Khan, SU Khan, HS Alwageed, F Khan, J Khan, Y Lee
Mathematics 10 (21), 3982, 2022
Leveraging Semantic and Sentiment Knowledge for User-Generated Text Sentiment Classification
YL Niaz Ahmad, Jawad Khan, Aftab Alam
2022 The 8th Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text (W-NUT), 2022
A Novel Lightweight Approach for Video Retrieval on Mobile Augmented Reality Environment
JB Joolee, MA Uddin, J Khan, T Kim, YK Lee
Applied Sciences 8 (10), 1860, 2018
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